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Mortal Sins: Sex, Crime, And The Era Of Catholic Scandal (2013)

Mortal Sins: Sex, Crime, and the Era of Catholic Scandal (2013)

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1250034396 (ISBN13: 9781250034397)
Thomas Dunne Books

About book Mortal Sins: Sex, Crime, And The Era Of Catholic Scandal (2013)

First, I have a very personal connection to this book as my uncle is Jeff Anderson, one of the primary lawyers who for years has fought for victims and who offers his story both personally and professionally as a major part of Mortal Sins. With that being said, from my perspective this book is powerfully honest account of a tragicly painful situation. The author, Michael D'Antonio has really done a fantastic job of sharing all the many, many complexities & "the truths" uncovered throughout the Catholic scandal over the decades. The book is laden with many legalities that are a bit difficult to absorb at times, even so it is a brillant and important documentation. It will capture you, break your heart and also pull you into triumphing with the victims over such tragic institutional sins within the Catholic Church. I highly recommend this eye-opening account and hope you will share it with others after experiencing it for yourself. The sexual abuse of children by clergy in the catholic church is a world wide scandal. MORTAL SINS tells the story of the courageous fighters who exposed this corruption. A church canon lawyer and priest who exposes the corruption to the church is turned away and takes the fight to protect children outside the church. A lawyer who takes on the largest organization in the world and wins. Newspaper reporters who dig into the scandal and the corruption of not only priest child molesters but bishops and cardinals who protect them and the reputation of the church over the safety of children.It reads like a mystery, you never can believe the immensity of the crime until all the facts are laid out and BAM! the unbelievable is opened to view. Maybe 100,000 children (boys and girls) have been raped and abused by clergy in the US. The author is skilled allowing the story to unfold building to a startling realization of the corruption in the church.

Do You like book Mortal Sins: Sex, Crime, And The Era Of Catholic Scandal (2013)?

Very well researched and detailed. Tough read, especially if you are a Catholic.

Dark and well researched this one is best in small doses.

I could not put this book down. Mesmerizing.

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