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Morning, Noon & Night (1996)

Morning, Noon & Night (1996)

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0446602213 (ISBN13: 9780446602211)
warner books

About book Morning, Noon & Night (1996)

Multi-billionaire Harry Sanford is running from something, but no one is sure exactly why he is trying to hide. Then he turns up dead, supposedly an accidental drowning while chasing some papers about his yacht while anchored in Corsica.Harry was not an easy man to life or work with. He mocked, belittled, and emotionally tortured his three children during their childhood. His staff was treated only slightly worse. A well-known womanizer, only his wife is shocked by his affair with the children’s governess. The governess is forced to flee and his wife commits suicide.Now that the old man is dead, the children, all adults, gather at the family home in Boston. None are sorry he’s gone, and when they learn exactly what their share of the estate is, the kids are suddenly happy.A beautiful stranger comes knocking at the door before the will is read claiming that she is the daughter of Harry and the governess. She has all the right answers and knows things about the Sanford heirs that could not be otherwise known. Harry’s oldest son, Judge Tyler Sanford of Chicago, launches a complete investigation that only turns up an empty coffin and a lack of irrefutable evidence. Could the sultry stranger really be their sister? More dark clouds shroud the Sanfords as each of Harry’s offspring must contemplate sharing a vast fortune with a virtual stranger.

2.8 stars for being a "page-turner". I listened to the unabridged audio.I haven't listened to a non-romance in a long while even though I have bought several non-fiction audios. As a general fiction (not sure what genre Sheldon falls under) book, this only made three stars because it was very fast-paced but also very unsubstantial.I thought I'd get a mystery without the plodding police procedural but when it finally wrapped up, I felt the entire tale was told so quickly, in different little scenes that before I knew it, the story was over and I was still unsatisfied.I've only read one Sheldon book, Bloodline, back in 1980 and recall enjoying it, even remembering the male protagonist's name, Rhys, after all these years. By comparison, if I had read MN&N first, and read it today, it would likely be my first and last Sheldon.MN&N felt like a few episodes of a TV series from Sheldon, the screenwriter - over before you know it. It's not how I like my books to be.Still, because of Bloodline, I went ahead and bought several Sheldon's from Audible and managed to borrow the unabridged version of the Bloodline audio.

Do You like book Morning, Noon & Night (1996)?

Sheldon's Morning, Noon & Night was recommended to me by a co-worker. The story involves a wealthy man, his three children by marriage and one illegitimate child. There are some very well done plot twists and surprises in the book, but I found the book lacking overall.This book reads quickly and is very plot driven. The characters are not well defined and the dialogue is forced and contrived and hardly believable. The reactions of some of the characters does not seem true to life. For exampl

The downside of having read too much Sidney Sheldon is that you already know what to expect – surprising plot twists. That is why while reading this book I was already making bets with myself as to who the real culprit was. The thing is, Sheldon spoiled the fun for me as he already revealed the perpetrator early on in the story. Or so I thought. Because a few pages before it ends, something turns the story around. But still, the surprise I was preparing myself for wasn’t as that much of a surprise. Just an “oh okay” reaction from me. Nothing mind numbing. Nothing that made me turn to the previous pages so that I can fully grasp what happened.AND. I couldn’t help comparing it to Rage of Angels, which for me is Sheldon’s best, so far.Morning, Noon & Night is divided into three parts: Morning, Noon and Night. (Why aren’t you surprised?) And just as one day consists of a morning, a noon, and a night, one day is all you need to finish reading the book. Or less.A fun read. I liked it. Now, on to something new.A more detailed review on

Sidney Sheldon is my all time favourite crime,thriller author. The never ending suspense and powerful stories are the reason I read His books. This book is a page turning story of a murder, betrayal, revenge and love. A proud person whose life mandate is that "God loves him and wanted him rich and his enemies dead" kills his own father because of his greed. He enjoys the life while he knows that one day his own children will do the same thing with him as he had done to his father. He make sure that his children will never be able to do the same thing and makes their life hell as possible as he can make. Their is an old saying that whatever you do will comes to you and life is a cycle so his fate os decided and his own child do the same thing to him he had done.The novels title portrays the whole story. As the morning is light and lovely the story starts with beautiful views and a simple story. But as day proceeds to warm and sunny noon the story also take turns and darker sides of characters are shown. And as the night comes and every thing ends the story takes a happy ending.
—Aisha Munawar

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