Age: Kindergarten - 2nd gradeAn adorable, adult bunny loves the city but longs for friendship. In the park after dark, she finds another musically inclined bunny guitarist. Eventually she longs for home but now has a friend to visit her.Absolutely gorgeous artwork, but a somewhat mundane story. Also throws "stranger danger" to the wind so it will be better for older kids that understand this concept better. While I love children’s picture books apparently I can sometimes be an old curmudgeon. I say this even though I liked this book, quite a bit. As a young child (the targeted audience) I would most likely have asked to be read this again and again and again.I’m not sure why I didn’t love it now. I really like the inventive illustrations. in particular the moon is great! I loved that books and reading are part of the story. The friendship story is sweet.For me though, it was lacking something intangible. I’m not sure exactly what.It is very comforting and would probably make a good bedtime story for young children.As I have the sequel at home, I will go ahead and read it, but I might not have otherwise.
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I'm really hoping my life works out much like this book! :)