Two overlapping storylines tell the story of two young girls living in Manifest, Kansas. One story line told by Abilene Tucker, when she meets Miss Sadie who tells her about a boy named Jinx, which leads to Abilene and her friends going on a spy mission. Abilene’s story overlaps with Miss Sadie’s, and they spy mission leads Abilene to uncover hidden truths about Manifest.An activity that students can do in classrooms could be to write an essay on how the author uses letters and articles in her writing and the way she incorporates them.Genre: Young AdultFormat: Chapter BookReading Level: HighTheme/Topic: FriendshipGender:AllRace: AllSocioeconomic Status: AllVanderpool, C. (2010). Moon over manifest. New York, NY: Delacorte Press Vanderpool, C. (2010). Moon over Manifest. New York: Delacorte Press2011 Newbery Medal WinnerWhen twele-year old Abilene's father sends her to Manifest to live with a pastor while he works in another town, she discovers that she has been sent to a town full of secrets. Soon after her arrival, she finds an old cigar box filled with letters that point to a spy mystery set in World War One. Together with her new friends, Abilene discovers the town's many secrets, and learns more about her father as well.I loved this book. I especially loved the author's writing style; for example, when the father's stories are described as "butterscotch. Smooth and sweet." The mystery is satisfying and the reunion at the end of this novel is particularly moving.This would be a wonderful book for teaching about WWI or The Great Depression.
Do You like book Moon Over Manifest (2010)?
Well deserving of the Newbery. Historical fiction with heart.
I would read it over and over again if I could