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Modern Top-Down Knitting: Sweaters, Dresses, Skirts & Accessories Inspired By The Techniques Of Barbara G. Walker (2010)

Modern Top-Down Knitting: Sweaters, Dresses, Skirts & Accessories Inspired by the Techniques of Barbara G. Walker (2010)

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1584798610 (ISBN13: 9781584798613)
Stewart, Tabori and Chang

About book Modern Top-Down Knitting: Sweaters, Dresses, Skirts & Accessories Inspired By The Techniques Of Barbara G. Walker (2010)

This is a beautiful book, with great photo instructions for top down knitting techniques. The sizing is mostly all right for me at a size 20/22, but would not work for most women who are larger than me. And many of the patterns are for dresses, which, well, no. Not knitting a dress. However, the beauty of top down knitting is that you could make things any length you want, so you could convert a dress to a pullover fairly easily. Wow. I have this one out from the library and at first glance I am blown away. It holds knitting secrets I didn't know were out there. 1) Seamless set-in sleeves? fantastic! This is the main revelation and going to take some studying.2) Using crochet for edging that looks professional (well, that's a reoccurring theme this month) 3) Using crochet to create "seams" for decoration. Very interesting...Also, her style is indeed "modern". Most of it I would love to wear in public. Unfortunately, they are designed for stick-figures, but the methods are universal.And bonus: a fun pair of slippers. :)

Do You like book Modern Top-Down Knitting: Sweaters, Dresses, Skirts & Accessories Inspired By The Techniques Of Barbara G. Walker (2010)?

Short row shaping tutorials WITH PICTURES. Suddenly it all makes sense.

Nice patterns, but I would have liked more theory/how-to.

More projects to while away a boring TV program!

Cute! I really love the subway hat.

This book just wasn't my style.

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