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Mob Star: The Story Of John Gotti (2002)

Mob Star: The Story of John Gotti (2002)

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3.67 of 5 Votes: 5
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0028644166 (ISBN13: 9780028644165)

About book Mob Star: The Story Of John Gotti (2002)

Hoo boy! The language! So, you know all those mobster movies? They really do talk like that. It is art imitating life, not the reverse. I used to love the gangster movies back in the day. Scarface, Casino, Goodfellas, etc. I stopped watching those kinds of movies but it just about killed me when Donny Brasco and The Departed came out. I love the intrigue, the power, the underworld, the seediness of it all. Its just so removed from where and who I am but its operating all around me. As for the real review, the book was written by newspaper reporters so they sometimes leave you to determine your own opinions when what I really wanted was a wild ride. I got the wild ride, I just had to do more work than I wanted to get there. I had to follow multiple characters and organizations. There were double agents and "rats." The most climactic moment, when the underboss rats out the Mob Boss, was so anticlimactic. I reread that part trying to give it a bit more drama that it so badly deserved. I mean, its the underboss! Ratting out the big boss!So, great story, so so writing. Something might be wrong with me but I was fascinated reading about the wackings, hits, and swimming with the fishes.

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