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Ménage (2012)

Ménage (2012)

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2.56 of 5 Votes: 1
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159051520X (ISBN13: 9781590515204)
Other Press

About book Ménage (2012)

I enjoyed this book very much. A rich bored couple brings home a vapid starving artist in order to amuse themselves. Like a stray dog, the artist sometimes charms them, and sometimes behaves badly. The artist feels completely entitled to their patronage. They feel completely entitled to his loyalty and devotion. Nobody wastes any energy on remorse or taking responsibility. Who is right, or rather who is least wrong? How can married people stand by each other without question when they don't have all the facts? There are no answers, but the questions are great. Well, if you're looking for a sexy book, this surely isn't it, despite the title. However, it is a very finely crafted triple character study. Shulman is a superb writer, she inhabits her characters without being overly judgemental. She lets their words and actions lie on the page and you absorb their personalities. Quite a magnificent achievement when you consider that all three major characters are rather reprehensible (but strangely understandable due to the author's skill).I would recommend this for anyone wanting a serious, concise read that will probably stick with you for a long time.

Do You like book Ménage (2012)?

More like 3 1/2 stars. Liked the charachters but wanted a little more at the end

Woody Allen type. I'll leave it at that.

disturbing emotional triangle

At hoover library

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