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Mixed Blessings (2006)

Mixed Blessings (2006)

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0440243386 (ISBN13: 9780440243380)

About book Mixed Blessings (2006)

This book is about three different couple who are at different stages in their life that face fertility problems. Diana and her husband are a newly married young couple that want to start a family right away. Months go by without any success o Diana goe to a fertility clinic and testing shows why she can't have children. It puts a heavy toll on their new marriage. Diana's sisters and fiends and workers are all having babies and that adds more stress to her already stressfull situation. Her husband and her come to an understanding and things are looking better when everything changes again and again and again. Just when you think this couple can't possibly handle anymore they are blessed with a surprise of there own that nobody saw coming.The second couple are also a young newly married couple. The man desperately wants to have kids but his wife doesn't want any. She wants to become a model or an actress so he doesn't want to be tied down with kids. She drinks a lot and becomes careless with her birth control and that gives her husband hope that she might become accidentally pregnant. But after time that doesn't happen so he goes to a fertility clinic for tests. The results are not what he was hoping for. He plans on telling his wife that he went to a clinic and what the results were when she tells him a surprise of her own.The third couple is an older man in his 60's and his wife is in her mid 40's. she never wanted to get married and have kids but after seeing all her friends enjoying married life and children she changed her mind. They tried many times to conceive but with no success. So she goes to the fertility clinic where they impregnate her with a turkey baster. But that only brings heartache. So they try again and are pleasantly surprised.The things I didn't like about this story is when they have three stories in one. I get confused by reading two pages of one couple then they start on another couple. It took me till half way through the story before I was able to keep them all apart. I would rather they have 3 parts then to put them together. Other than that it was an enjoyable story.I liked that it had a mans perspective to fertility problems as well. You don't often hear what men's thoughts are on this subject or what they are feeling. Each story had some very challenging aspects to them but I was happy they all had good outcomes.

Tri bračna para, tri različite situacije, tri emotivne priče o neopisivoj želji za stvaranjem obitelji, o zdravstvenoj nemogućnosti za ostvarivanjem tog željenog cilja i neopisivoj tuzi, upornosti, hrabrosti i ljubavi koja spomenute bračne parove razdvaja, ali i veže. Postoje dva načina na koja je moguće doživjeti ovu knjigu, ovisno o životnom iskustvu samog čitatelja. Ukoliko ste osoba koja se iskustvom poistovjećuje sa jednom od situacija opisanih u knjizi, gotovo ćete sigurno ovu knjigu doživjeti vrlo emotivno i nećete je lako ispuštati iz ruku. Knjiga me dirnula duboko u srce i preporučam je svima onima koji prolaze kroz slično iskustvo jer, ne samo da ćete se naći u njoj, već će vas donekle i utješiti, pružajući vam nadu koju u tom trenutku možda nemate. Jednako tako knjigu preporučam i ostalima koji su imali sreću ne doživjeti sudbinu likova u ovoj knjizi, jer sasvim sigurno u svom životu poznajete bar jednu osobu ili bračni par koji prolazi upravo kroz ovakve teške trenutke i ova će vam knjiga svakako pomoći da bar donekle shvatite osjećaje koji prožimaju te nesretne parove i na taj ćete im način biti u mogućnosti pružiti podršku na pravi način.

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Diana Goode dan Andrew Douglas, Charlie Winwood dan Barbie Mason, Pilar dan Graham adalah pasangan suami istri yg memiliki jalan hidup yang berbeda satu sama lain.Pasangan2 tsb. mengalami berkah2 penuh cobaan yg dihadapi saat dua org beda jenis yakni pria wanita yg menikah untuk membangun keluarga serta menjalani kehidupan modern. Dalam buku ini Danielle Steel menggugah pembacanya dgn kemenangan tokoh2nya, kekalahan, keberhasilan, tragedi dan suka cita mereka dengan segala liku hidup yg mereka jalani.Wow,, terkadang speechless kumembacanya*..kata2 yang indah, sederhana dan mengalir sesuai alur cerita tidak heran jika buku ini menjadi "Best Seller #1 International"...Yuukk..gemar membaca yg positif:)Love,Yp

If you didn't see the 1990s TV movie version or want to read or read the print book, Mixed Blessings was about three families and their hope and prayers to start one. In this romance, we meet Diana Goode and Andrea Douglas, a newlywed couple who want to start a family right away. After a couple of devastating heartbreaks when it didn't happen, they wonder what would it take for them to have a baby. For Charlie Winwood, he wanted a happy home filled with children. But when he realized he was sterile, he didn't know how to tell his bride Barbie about their future. She had other ideas, when he had to rethink his deepest values and his marriage, when she wasn't the woman of his dreams. As for Pilar Graham, a prominent lawyer was happy with her ten-year relationship with Judge Brad Coleman, who was 17 years her senior, who was happy with things as it was. Brad had two grown children. She regretted now having a baby, and wondered if it was crazy to start now, when he was now becoming a grandfather. This was a wonderful book about family and what formed or shaped them.

2 STARS"After the wedding of Diana Goode and Andrew Douglas, Diana teases that they will make a baby on their honeymoon. But long afterward, she is still not pregnant. As Diana and Andrew wait out each month only to be bitterly disappointed, they are forced to question just how much they are willing to go through to have a baby. Charlie Winwood dreams of a house filled with children. His bride, party-girl actress Barbie Mason, has other ideas. When he discovers he is sterile, Charlie has to rethink his deepest values -- and his marriage to a woman who shares none of his dreams.After ten years of living together, Pilar Graham, a prominent Santa Barbara attorney, marries Judge Brad Coleman, who is nineteen years her senior and father of two grown children. They are happy with their comfortable life together, à deux, until Pilar begins to wonder if she will someday regret not having a baby with Brad. Are they crazy to begin now -- with Brad about to become a grandfather and Pilar with a busy career, and in her early forties, possibly putting herself at risk?" (From AmazonOriginally when I read Danielle Steel novels I would have rated them 3-4 STARS, but now I would classify them as 1-2 STARS. These are great for those who like mild sex, unrealistic dramatic romances and grand plots.
—Kris - My Novelesque Life

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