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Mistress Christmas (2008)

Mistress Christmas (2008)

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4.04 of 5 Votes: 3
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1605042749 (ISBN13: 9781605042749)
Samhain Publishing

About book Mistress Christmas (2008)

Mistress Christmas is the first book in the Wild West Boys series, a spinoff to Lorelei James' Rough Riders. Nick West (one of the McKay's cousins) has left Wyoming and is living in Denver working as a detective. When he goes to a strip club to privately investigate a robbery, he meets Holly, a normally mild mannered accountant who is filling in for Mistress Christmas, a stripper at the club. I really enjoyed this peek at one of the West boys life outside of McKay country. I think if I hadn't read RR though, I might have been disappointed with the character development - best to read this alongside RR (in my opinion, anyway). With the background of the McKay men, it was easy to see how Nick would fit right in...another hot alpha-male! I loved Holly as well...nice to see her letting loose and choosing to have a night of no-holds-barred sex. There's nothing better than seeing a woman take control of her sexuality. The steamy scenes were very hot - this is LJ, after all, we would expect no less. All in all, I thought this was a great read - 4 stars. This is book one of the Wild West Boys series by Lorelei James but it is also connected to the Rough Riders series. In reading order this would fall after book 5 Rough, Raw and Ready.This is the story of Nick West and Holly North. Nick is a detective and Holly is an accountant, but a friend of hers convinces her to fill in as "Mistress Christmas" at her gentleman's club. They meet and sparks fly. After one night all the truths come out. I really enjoyed this story. It was a nice sidestep from the Rough Riders series. I would recommend this book especially for any Lorelei James fans!

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I wouldn't mind having Nick as a Christmas present one year!

3.5 stars


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