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Mister Teacher (2008)

Mister Teacher (2008)

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0552155276 (ISBN13: 9780552155274)

About book Mister Teacher (2008)

I haven't read Teacher, Teacher and was pleasantly surprised that I could read the sequel without any issues. This book was given to me by a friend and I started it straight away.This is basically an autobiography of Jack Sheffield and depicts his tales as a Head Teacher at a village school in Yorkshire. The book is set in the late seventies, when the world was a seemingly different place. The story shows how simple everything must have been then, only merely 30 years ago, and also Jack Sheffield has achieved in showing the reader that actually a lot has changed in this time. This is a pleasant, unique tale which is actually quite funny. The story warms your heart and makes you realise how nice and simple things used to be. I enjoyed this book and will read the next instalment shortly. Thoroughly enjoyed this. Fantastic observations on the people around him and some funny anecdotes, especially with the benefit of hindsight and things we know have now happened. "Harry Potter - everyone will soon forget that name!" LOL It is simply written so an easy read but the human and heart warming sentiment is not lost and it is fantastic when the village bully finally gets his comeuppance. The small stories of things the children say and write and interjected with observations about the villagers lives and some sad and happy tales of their living, loving and leaving, followed by comments on Jack's personal life, especially the dilemmas he faces in his love life.A gentle read at the end of the day that will make you laugh out loud and smile with sentiment and look back at a different era, sometimes with rose tinted glasses and sometimes with harsh relaity that life was actually tough then too.

Do You like book Mister Teacher (2008)?

Was a bit disappointed as seemed alot more contrived than the first one. Shame really!

I liked this it was amusing enough but it had the most infuriating ending!

A good light read.

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