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Missional Renaissance: Changing The Scorecard For The Church (2009)

Missional Renaissance: Changing the Scorecard for the Church (2009)

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0470243449 (ISBN13: 9780470243442)

About book Missional Renaissance: Changing The Scorecard For The Church (2009)

McNeal claims, “The rise of the missional church is the single biggest development in Christianity since the Reformation.” That’s quite a statement, but clearly the Church is undergoing a shaking unlike anything in generations. That is evident by the way many young people look at church; it’s the people, not a building. Thus, it doesn’t make sense to invest millions of dollars into an edifice where people gather for a couple of hours a week. Instead of trying to keep congregants comfy and entertained, the wise pastor now focuses on doing real community outreach that is more akin to Jesus’ ministry. Along with that, the day is over for churches that have only been concerned about raising more funds and filling more pews. It’s what goes on outside the facility that matters. Reggie McNeal scores again with this newest book. Here he suggests three major shifts that churches need to make as they turn the corner to more missional living. They need to move from an internal to external focus, from program development to people development, and from church-based to community-focused leadership. For those who have been in the conversation for a while these shifts won't come as new, but the biggest contribution is McNeal's emphasis on developing measurements for these shifts. "What gets measured gets done," he says repeatedly, and if want to move away from measuring church health by nickels and noses, we need new, missional-focused measures to take their place. Highly recommended!

Do You like book Missional Renaissance: Changing The Scorecard For The Church (2009)?

Pretty good challenge to churches to get folks up off the pews and into community service.

Reggie did not disappoint with this book. A great explanation of the Missional Church.

A very good introduction to what this whole "missional" thing means.

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