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Missing Mummy (2012)

Missing Mummy (2012)

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4.06 of 5 Votes: 5
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0230749518 (ISBN13: 9780230749511)
MacMillan Children's Books

About book Missing Mummy (2012)

This is a very well-done book on bereavement for very young kids. A boy describes how he feels after his mom dies: sadness, anger, fear. It's also hopeful, though, when he talks about his family and how they are coping. The child-like tone of the text and the crayon drawings make this a gentle and accessible book for young kids who might not really understand death. One quibble that I have - and this is really about book publishing than this particular title - is that it seems like picture books on grieving rarely focus on a dad's death. It seems like it's usually a grandparent or a mom. I really like this book because I think it would be really helpful to a young child who has lost his or her mother. It explains what it means to lose someone in the simplest terms. That said, it is so sad to imagine children missing a parent in this way. The illustrations are simple which allows the reader to focus on the emotion rather than visual detail. I wish no child needed to read this book. Also, I kind of wish there was a "Missing Daddy" for those who have lost their father. While this book could be read to those children as well with some benefit, I fear they would begin to worry that they could lose their mother too.

Do You like book Missing Mummy (2012)?

Sad, sad book, but a needed one. This is the perfect ook for a child who has lost their mother.

Nice, simple story that will open up a dialogue with a young child whose parents has died.

Heartfelt and sensitive, portrays accurate emotions in simple language.

Very cute book for younger children maybe in kindergarten or preschool.

This one tugs pretty hard.

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