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Metal Urge (2000)

Metal Urge (2000)

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About book Metal Urge (2000)

Metal Urge will whisk you back in time to a place where music was raw and real. Deanna is an expat living in London during the time when heavy metal was on the verge of taking the world by storm. She meets Nigel, gorgeous lead singer of Metal Urge, soon to be Britian’s most popular new trend. Their love affair is soulful and sexy, but all too soon, Nigel decides that a steady girlfriend is not on the cards for him. An unfortunate accident leaves Deanna not only heartbroken but also physically broken. When Thom, Metal Urge’s unflappable lead guitarist, steps in to fill the void, Deanna finds herself drawn to him romantically. But what will happen when Nigel has second thoughts about his breakup?As the story moves towards an ‘edge-of-your-seat’ climax, Deanna must make the decision of a lifetime.I would recommend this book to anyone. The story is steamy, exciting and will leave you yearning for more. I usually leave the reviewing to other people but since I don't see any here yet I have to speak up. This book has all the tortured hot rock star, shy college student, angst filled love triangle plots I have come to expect in these really good Indie books. It is loaded with plot twists-some you'll see coming and some that will completely blindside you. It was a great roller coaster ride. This one was a 5star read for me.

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I couldn't finish it...I just could not connect with this story at all. :(

Hum!! Kind of ..weird? I don't know!

thank the Gods, that is over!

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