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Mercy Thompson Series Collection (2011)

Mercy Thompson Series Collection (2011)

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1780484518 (ISBN13: 9781780484518)
Zatpix Re-Packaged Edition

About book Mercy Thompson Series Collection (2011)

I started reading these after needing a fix from finishing all the Jim Butcher Dresden Files books. While I don't think it's quite as awesome as Dresden files in terms of how the world of magic and man are blended so well and in depth, I really did have fun with the Mercy Thompson series. When I picked up the first book, I was very afraid it was going to lean more paranormal romance than urban fantasy. I was very pleased that it wasn't so much about romance and junk, and actually told really fulfilling stories.BTW, I've been living in the Tri Cities for two years now. The local book stores and local comic shop had her come this year and last. After the second time is when I checked out the books because the name kept getting promoted. I'll have to see her next time see promotes the followup book. When the story talks about the Tri Cities, it's very accurate. Obviously many places had to be made up, but where they are is real. I've never read a novel where I lived in the city the author described and could imagine it all from memory. Really nicely done. No BookClub RSunshine! do mês de Novembro a autora era Patricia Briggs e eu decidi-me a ler finalmente toda a saga, pelo menos a que está editada em Portugal.E em boa hora que o fiz. Gostei muito de acompanhar as aventuras desta mecânica tão especial. Acho que dentro do género fantástico esta foi uma aposta fantástica pois têm todos os ingredientes pra nos deixar agarrados da primeira à ultima página. É claro que não gostei de saber que ainda não acaba por aqui, nos EUA já foi publicado o sétimo volume e o oitavo será publicado em Março, agora é só esperar que eles saiam cá todos :)Bem sem querer entrar em muitos pormenores, gostei de acompanhar o desenvolver da relação entre Mercedes e Sam, para mim foi completamente inesperado, apesar de ter adorado o desenlace final. Gostei que o gremlin tivesse um papel cada vez mais proeminente e o cajado foi demais.Venha o próximo..

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Excellent way to end a series. Makes me look forward to reading other books by Patricia Biggs

Love this series. Great read. Exciting and intriguing

All excellent reads!

Fun and engrossing


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