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Mendocino: And Other Stories (2003)

Mendocino: And Other Stories (2003)

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3.45 of 5 Votes: 3
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0749934107 (ISBN13: 9780749934101)
piatkus books

About book Mendocino: And Other Stories (2003)

An nice collection of stories by an excellent writer. The characters in the stories are at an age where their lives have already taken shape, and their careers or roles known. However there's something disappointing about it -- they have arrived but yet it's haunting, a goal so worked for, so desired, achieved and yet... feels out of tune, or out right empty.You see that played out in the stories Mendocino, Nerves, Babies, Hightops, The Glass House, and Lightening.Another common theme in the stories is the tight and often complex relationship between brother & sister, and the how they're dealing with the death of a parent -- which is where these stories are exceptionally well done.The best stories in the collection are Babies & "Tillman & I".The weakest story is Horse, which reads almost like a 1970s "After School Special" movie.

The first story, "Mendocino," was definitely the worst in the collection, and while things got a bit better thereafter, the book pretty much failed to hold my interest. Packer's observations herein don't really shed any new light on anything, which isn't necessarily what you look for in an author, but it doesn't hurt; it's also disconcerting when time after time those observations, which you know are trying to shed unique light on a situation, fall flat and come off as mundane. Several of these stories have that women-inside-her-head Lorrie Moore feel, though I'll just say that Packer can't quite rock an exclamation point the way Moore can. Not in this collection, at least. So, yes, I was disappointed. I'll check out her novels, though. It's no hard feelings.

Do You like book Mendocino: And Other Stories (2003)?

I want to write like Ann Packer. I want to perfectly infuse a story with such brilliant little nuances of character and relationship. But alas... I don't write anywhere near as well as Ann Packer. Fortunately, I got to read this intimate collection of stories, many of which teased my brain after I'd finished them, challenging me to put the pieces together to reveal a greater theme and making me wonder what would become of the characters' lives beyond the page. Some of the stories struck me more than others, but that's to be expected with shorts, right?

Mendocino (and other stories) has ten stories that take place in different cities and on different subjects but they are all connected by the theme of family. My favorite three in the set are the title story, "Babies" and "Lightning". "Mendocino" follows an ex girlfriend as she visits her boyfriend and his new girlfriend. Clearly he has met his soul mate and she must decide how best to maintain the friendship with him that she wants which means including the new girlfriend. The other two favorit
—Sarah Sammis

Good stories, good characters, well written. I liked that these characters were normal people. there didn't have to be quirky characters or unrealistic scenarios. But, and it's an interesting but, I found most of the stories utterly lacking in the ending category. I recently published a couple of short story collections. A number of co-workers and friends who have now read my stories for the first time complain that they are too short (which they probably are) and the endings just leave them wanting more. I felt the same way reading most of the stories in this collection in a very real way. I don't have any specific examples from the stories, but the stories frequently seemed written towards the resolution of problem X and would end before X was resolved. Very frustrating.

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