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Meanwhile In San Francisco: The City In Its Own Words (2014)

Meanwhile in San Francisco: The City in its Own Words (2014)

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4.43 of 5 Votes: 3
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1452113890 (ISBN13: 9781452113890)
Chronicle Books

About book Meanwhile In San Francisco: The City In Its Own Words (2014)

What a special book! Captures the everyday-ness of SF through line drawings and snippets of observations and conversations. I absolutely LOVED the "San Francisco Library Main Branch in its own words" piece. Made me proud to be a librarian all over again--but thankful to no no longer be working in an urban environment. Why? The guard says it best: "One thing I've stopped saying here is "Now I've seen it all." X A beautiful portrait of one of the world's great cities. MacNaughton's text captures the stories and perspectives of people from all around the city (leading to the subtitle, "the City in its own words"). The book moves around the city, neighborhood by neighborhood, and the text is accompanied by beautiful pen-and-ink and watercolor vignettes of city scenes and individuals. If you like this book, I'd also highly recommend Paul Madonna's "All Over Coffee."

Do You like book Meanwhile In San Francisco: The City In Its Own Words (2014)?

My favorite page was "The Hinge" as it brought a new perspective on 5th and 6th in the Tenderloin.

Enjoyable illustrative montage about the idiosynchracies of the city by the bay.

Beautiful art, short but sweet.

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