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McNally's Dilemma (2000)

McNally's Dilemma (2000)

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3.75 of 5 Votes: 2
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0425175367 (ISBN13: 9780425175361)

About book McNally's Dilemma (2000)

So So McNally story It was only by reading the fine print that I learned that this novel was Not by Lawrence Sanders. For me Archy McNally will always remain the creation of Mr. Sanders, but I wanted to read another story about one of my favorite characters. The attempt by Vincent Lardo gave an interesting slant to McNally, but his style of writing wasn't the same as Mr. Sanders. For the first time, it was clear how the story would evolve, and that's another indication that Lawrence Sanders did not write this book. In my opinion, Mr. Sanders name should not be on the cover, for it's a total disservice to the legacy of this great writer.

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