Do You like book Maybe The Moon (1993)?
Great story about a dwarf actress whose claim to fame was starring in an ET-like movie. I’ve always loved stories/books/movies about those who (like myself!) came to Hollywood to make it in some way. Most of us, of course, don’t make it or have many strange twists and turns on that journey, and this is such a story. The heroine, Cady, is a take-no-prisoners little person who somewhere in the book refers to herself as a “fat baby with tits and pubic hair.” It’s hard not to love a character like that. I found this a somewhat more serious and touching novel than the “Tales of the City” series, just a beautiful piece of work.
Okay - maybe 2+. It was well written enough with a different enough plot to keep me curious - but overall I just can't say "I liked it". The viewpoint of a dwarf who was once in a classic movie but now forgotten - living in Hollywood and hoping to rekindle interest in her as an actress is certainly unique. I did become interested in the definitions of dwarf and midget and today's accepted terminology which is 'little people' and in the sorts of challenges faced by being so short(being a 6 foot woman myself I feel there are challenges in that, too) The story is told through the notebooks or diaries of this main character with other prejudices (racial and sexual)addressed through supporting characters. I will probably give Tales of the City a try. (read after I wrote this that it was based on the little person that was in the E.T. costume)
—Jean Carlton
Da ich von Anfang an wusste, dass es sich bei Cady um Tamara de Treaux handelt, las ich das Buch immer im Hinblick auf Fiktion vs. Realität. Überlegte ständig, welche Dinge vielleicht komplett erdacht sind (ist 'Elliott' schwul? Im echten Leben ist er immerhin 2x verheiratet gewesen.Aber egal wie viel Maupin hinzugedichtet hat und was davon wirklich in Tamaras Tagebüchern stand, die reale Note verleiht dem Roman auch neben all der Komik eine gewisse Tragik wenn man sich denkt, dass es Tamara sehr oft so gegangen ist wie es Cady beschreibt, sowohl im privaten Bereich als auch beruflich.Alles in allem ein sehr sehr schönes Buch mit vielen Stellen zum Schmunzeln.