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Maybe He's Just An Asshole: Sharpen Your Bullshit Detector, Rock Your Expectations, And Become Your Strongest Self! (2000)

Maybe He's Just an Asshole: Sharpen Your Bullshit Detector, Rock Your Expectations, and Become Your Strongest Self! (2000)

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About book Maybe He's Just An Asshole: Sharpen Your Bullshit Detector, Rock Your Expectations, And Become Your Strongest Self! (2000)

This book has an incredibly man-hating tone that I probably should have expected from the damn title. I was hoping to gain some insight. All it did was make me angry that this kind of literature exists and women are reading it. These scenarios were completely overgeneralized and stereotyped. I am not one who has a lot of optimism in life, but this was just ridiculously pessimistic. People are incredibly fallible, men included. I'm sure if you were to read this book you could find a man guilty of at least one of these things, and that would make him an asshole! I'd love to see this flipped and made into "Maybe She's Just a Crazy Bitch." I rarely hate a book, but I am confident in my judgment that this is garbage. Although it was witty and had some good insights, I liked the part about your strongest self, some of the cases of a man being an asshole were just not true. And too much of the blame seemed to be placed on the man. The last time I checked a relationship with others places some of the blame on the other person. There are of course exceptions to this rule (read as abuse) but I am not about to say that a man is an asshole because he wants to go out with his friends for a few hours without having to text me. Our society is changing but people need there space. And this book pushes too much blame on others and not enough at looking at yourself. Funny but definitely not a self help book.

Do You like book Maybe He's Just An Asshole: Sharpen Your Bullshit Detector, Rock Your Expectations, And Become Your Strongest Self! (2000)?

oh dear. the mos birding book of all this kind books.

decent read. passing it onto my daughters

Very fun read, I really enjoyed it

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