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Maura's Game (2003)

Maura's Game (2003)

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4.23 of 5 Votes: 5
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0747267596 (ISBN13: 9780747267591)

About book Maura's Game (2003)

I am reviewing the gangster thriller Maura's Game by Martina Cole which is a very good novel which I bought from a car boot sale. This is the sequel to Dangerous Lady which I haven't read yet. Apparently she was queen of the underworld and robbed some money and was living on the proceeds. In this novel there is a plot to oust her and her husband from their kingpin positions. They put this down in quite ruthless fashion even killing the adult children of people quite dear to them. Some people get tortured and the people they kill are equally ruthless. It seems their plan has been compromised and they are out for revenge. Most of the action takes place I think in Liverpool & London & is quite gritty. It is quite an enjoyable thriller with plenty of blood and guts. I think the ending does leave it open for their to be another sequel. It's interesting how the gangster world is so ruthless, parents are told their offspring are to be killed and have no choice but to inform on them. It's very much a kill or be killed thriller. Martina apparently lived on a council estate in Grays which has inspired her books. She does transform you into a very different world that does seem very real. Maura leads a ruthless crime family called the Ryan's and I did quite enjoy reading it. A number of her books have been made into tv movies and although she is very successful in Britain does deserve a wider readership abroad because her books are rather good.

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