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Mary's Son (2010)

Mary's Son (2010)

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3.69 of 5 Votes: 4
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Cross Dove Publishing

About book Mary's Son (2010)

Two children who are on different sides of the wealth spectrum are brought together by a wonderful man named Nicholas (aka Santa Clause).Both children are hurting and feeling a sense of abandonment from their father's. Nicholas tries to soften their hearts and see the good and the love in their lives and situations.This is a beautifully told story. Nicholas prays and teaches of the Savior. It is a great mesh of biblical and traditional Christmas. When I first downloaded this to my Kindle (yes...I finally got a Kindle), I was not sure I was going to like this book. What a surprise. This was again a book who's description on Amazon does not do it justice!Sarah Stone is a spoiled little rich girl. Jared Roberts is surviving in the slums. Both of their lives are effected by the arrival of Nicholas who takes them on adventure which will change their lives forever.This is a short review but I would not like to reveal too much of this book. If you enjoy the reason for the Christmas season, this is a must read. It is book that will touch your heart and make you want to read it again each year.

Do You like book Mary's Son (2010)?

This was a free Kindle book that why enjoyed reading during Christmas time.

A very simple, sweet book. Reminded me of Miracle on 34th Street.


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