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Mark Of The Seer (2012)

Mark of the Seer (2012)

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4.14 of 5 Votes: 1
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Crushing Heart and Black Butterfly Publishing

About book Mark Of The Seer (2012)

This book was such a amazing read! The last 20% of it is what secured it with a 5 star rating from me! Mark of the Seer had great characters and an amazing plot! I really enjoyed the plot! There was action in it and it went at the right pace to keep me interested! I didn't agree with the amount of alcohol and the mention of smoking pot in this book though! The characters were a bit of a different story! Clarity Miller was the main character and there was something about her that annoyed me! I do have to say though that as the book progressed I did start to connect with Clarity more and by the end of the book I loved her! She went through a lot in this book and at the end I felt so sorry for her for what Nick did! Sam was Clarity's Guardian and he was perfect! I liked that he was there for Clarity and that he protected her! Brenton was Clarity's boyfriend and I really liked him! He was also there for Clarity! I honestly thought that there was going to be a love triangle in this book but to me it didn't feel like there was one at all which I loved! Kora was Clarity's best friend and I loved her! Her personality was brilliant and she was very funny! The ending was full of action! I read it so quickly because I wanted to find out what was going to happen next! I am really looking forward to seeing where the next book in this series goes and I love the cover! Big thank you to Jenna for providing me with a copy of Mark of the Seer! 10*s. I barrowed my copy of this book from Amazon's Prime list. This is an amazing story that had me hooked crom beginning to end and I loved everything about it! Clarity is such a strong willed, bull headed character and I loved her. This story is fast paced and well written, and I finished it in a day!! This is a MUST read YA story that will hook your from page 1! Thank you, Jenna for an awesomely refreshing story about angels and demons!!

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There is nothing to NOT like about this book!! Totally loved it!!

Really good & different storyline. Can't wait for book #2.

i really liked this book!

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