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Mark Of The Princess (2012)

Mark of the Princess (2012)

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About book Mark Of The Princess (2012)

Loved this book! Ms Morin's writing skills are wonderful. Her ability to develop the basics of the story really draw the reader under a spell. I love books with strong female main characters and uses of inner as well as outer conflicts between characters who are strongly draw to each other. I enjoyed the way Ms Morin builds the relationships between Alannah and Brennus, and Alannah and Kaleb putting a fantastical touch to human emotions and relationships, and adding the challenge of the triangle love factor that seems to add drama and interest so well into many stories. It also seemed to be a coming of age theme with Alannah learning about and harnassing her powers to help herself and others, as well as her struggle with Maligo and his dark magic. I am very interested to see a trilogy come from this story since the ending most surely leaves the reader wanting more. Mark of the Princess is the first book in The Kingdom Chronicles by B.C. Morin. It's a fairytale about a faerie princess being kidnapped and trying to figure out her emerging powers. The main character in the book is Alannah, whom I had trouble connecting with. I actually just had trouble connecting with the book as a whole. I really wanted to like it, and there are so many positive reviews.The romance definitely didn't go the way I thought it would. There ended up being a love triangle that I was a little disappointed in. Half of the book was dedicated to Alannah's sister Evyette, who set out in search of Alannah. There was a nice little romance for Evyette, but I wanted to read about Alannah and Kaleb.The writing seemed awkward to me. It's hard to explain – I just wasn't feeling it I guess. If you're a fan of fairy tales, I would go ahead and give it a try. Like I said, there are so many good reviews of this book. It just wasn't for me.

Do You like book Mark Of The Princess (2012)?

I just could not connect with the characters. Had to push myself to finish the book.

Totally enjoyed this book, great read, now on to book 2. Thanks B.C. Morin ❤

Really cool book. Can't wait to read book 2.

Review to follow very soon :)

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