About book Marilyn & Me: A Photographer's Memories (2012)
A considerable insight on Marilyn Monroe's many encounters. Lawrence tells the story of how he first met Marilyn. When he was just a young photographer who just started in the business. I enjoyed reading this book. It gave me an adequate amount of information about the life of Marilyn. Her personality. Her confidantes. And most importantly, the last days before her death. I just felt sorry for her. The way she was misunderstood, mistreated.. How everyone seemed to know her as the big sex-symbol when she was beyond any doubt more than that. The book left me wanting more. More about Monroe's life. I recommend it as a start to a long research on the life of Marilyn Monroe. Reading a book about Marilyn always feels like coming home to me, but this one was more beautiful than most. The author had a completely different view of her, and isn't afraid to tell it like he saw it. He portrays Marilyn as a fragile and very lonely woman rather than the sex-crazed egomaniac so many authors turn to. Loved that he allowed her to be human. There are also some beautiful photos, and very touching stories. Really wish I could afford the signed and numbered edition! I definitely recommend it. Short book, easy read, so you'll get through it in one sitting.
Do You like book Marilyn & Me: A Photographer's Memories (2012)?
Fine, pithy look at a couple of moments shared with Marilyn Monroe.
Quick read with extraordinary candid pictures of Marilyn.
I wish there were more photos, but enjoyed the memoir.