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Margaret's Ark (2011)

Margaret's Ark (2011)

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3.7 of 5 Votes: 3
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0983732906 (ISBN13: 9780983732907)
Other Road Press

About book Margaret's Ark (2011)

I got this as a Kindle freebie, but was a little skeptical of this book based on the subject matter. I was pleasantly surprised, however, and found the book to be quite thought provoking without being "preachy". The characters were believable and it wasn't hard to picture myself in their shoes. What would I do if I received a divine vision and was faced with making decisions that alienated me from friends, family and most of society? Would I have the faith to follow God's leading? Lots to think about... Don't be put off by the religious aspect. I'm as atheist as it gets, and I was somewhat surprised by how much I enjoyed this book - I only actually got it as it was a free Kindle download at the time. Probably the best non-classic book I've got from the Kindle free books. The author managed to show the story from quite a variety of different peoples' viewpoints without getting too convoluted or confusing, and it held my attention was also quite sad at times. It could do with a bit more editing, however; I did spot a few distracting grammatical errors.

Do You like book Margaret's Ark (2011)?

It was okay. It started better than it finished, by the time it ended I was frankly a bit bored.

Amazing, just amazing. Started it yesterday and couldn't stop reading. Review to come soon.

Interesting idea, but lots of typos and not enough attention to detail.

A very easy read that was full of adventure and love.

This was a good read.

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