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Marathon Man: My 26.2-Mile Journey From Unknown Grad Student To The Top Of The Running World (2013)

Marathon Man: My 26.2-Mile Journey from Unknown Grad Student to the Top of the Running World (2013)

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3.94 of 5 Votes: 3
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1250016983 (ISBN13: 9781250016980)
Thomas Dunne Books

About book Marathon Man: My 26.2-Mile Journey From Unknown Grad Student To The Top Of The Running World (2013)

Since I am not/cannot really run right now - I thought I would try and get myself motivated about running by reading this book. It "kind of" worked. If you are interested in running and the history of the marathon (Boston in particular) this is fun. If you aren't - this book doesn't have anything going for it that you would enjoy. And bless Bill Rodgers' heart but he tries hard to paint himself as a bit of a rebel that is totally anti-establishment and since I know nothing about the man - maybe he is - but it was such a halfhearted attempt interspersed with running that it didn't work. It's summer, so it was time to read another running memoir. There was lots to enjoy in this one, especially Rodgers' descriptions of his races (and I liked the stories of the bad ones as much as I did the good ones) and lots of Boston Marathon lore. But I wondered exactly what the book's ghost writer did to earn his pay, because the failure of a professional writer and/or editor to corral the repetition and the rambling was apparent (and annoying) throughout.

Do You like book Marathon Man: My 26.2-Mile Journey From Unknown Grad Student To The Top Of The Running World (2013)?

A very enjoyable read. A remarkable life. The start of the running boom in America.

What a great novel! Excellent insight into the mind of an American Icon!

Great character. Inspiring story about the joy of running.

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