Do You like book Manuale Per Sopravvivere Agli Zombie. Attacchi Documentati (2009)?
I admit it, I've become somewhat zombie obsessed as of late. I've read all of "the Walking Dead" graphic novels and both of Kirkman's spin-off books. I also read some other to-crappy-to-mention books and thus far I have to say that nobody does zombies like Max Brooks. All of his books seem to give the zombie genre a bit of legitimacy that make the stories compelling and really scary-creepy. They make you want to set aside rations and start planning your own escape routes. This graphic novel is no different and beautifully ilustrated. I only wish it were about 2,000 pages longer.
La introducción perfecta a World War Z.World War Z empieza con el recuento del primer caso zombie, en China. El paciente parece haber salido de la nada y ese origen nunca es claramente explicado.No es que en este libro se explique, pero sí sienta precedentes, amplía la imágen en el lienzo. Se lee rápido, pero reboza de creatividad, el arte es muy vistoso y alborota la imaginación.Si vas a leer World War Z, lee este primero.
Kinda cute, kinda interesting... but only kinda.