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Mama (2005)

Mama (2005)

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4.14 of 5 Votes: 2
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0451216717 (ISBN13: 9780451216717)

About book Mama (2005)

This is my first time reading a Terry McMillan book, and I'm also aware that this was her first book. Hopefully that little fact makes all the difference in the rest of her books. On to the story, Mama is a good book. I just had high hopes on the book because I'm a fan of Terry McMillan as a person. My biggest problem with the book was that it wasn't developed enough. There were so many points where I wish she would have elaborated on more. I saw that this mostly happened at the end of chapters as if she was just trying to get the book over with. The first couple of chapters were soooo drawn out! The book picked up when Freda had that unfortunate tragedy occur with Deadman. Which was wayyy too deep in the book. I would have given up hope a long time ago if it was any other author, but I was determined to give Terry a shot. The first time Zeke was mentioned I was beyond confused because I had no idea who he was! I even went back to see if I skipped his introduction, but I wasn't crazy because he wasn't introduced until the second time he was mentioned (which was way later). The storyline as a whole was good it just needed a little more development to make it a great book altogether.

I started reading this book in grade school, after I finding it in the school library, but never finished. It wasn't until a few years later that I picked it up again, after my brother brought it home from school. I went out, bought my own copy and then passed it around to my mom and sister. We all took something from the story and enjoyed it so much, that we took on characters from the book. I was given the character Freida (whether I wanted it or not) who I still have some things in common with to this day. It was a step up from being Kelly Bundy. Anyway, this book was another family bonding agent that I will never forget.

Do You like book Mama (2005)?

This is the first Terry McMillan book I have read, and it will likely be the last. I get it that poverty is a vicious cycle and that it perpetuates ignorance and severely limits people's choices in life, but I couldn't stand any of these characters. I was especially bothered with the title character, Mama, who is just plain verbally abusive to her five children who didn't ask to be born. This book was somewhat well written (except for the all too elementary and obvious names--Deadman, Money, etc.) because it passed my 50 page test, so I actually completed it, but even my favorite character, Freda, was disappointing and inconsistent. There was some suggestion of hope in the book, but it was too little too late after being bombarded with such a display of meanness and stupidity for so many pages. This book did little to enlighten about the human condition, and there was no real point to all of the misery, in my opinion.

This was the very first Terry McMillan book I read and its still my favorite! I wish this was the one they had turned into a movie! I enjoyed it from beginning to end. I think McMillan could relate to the character's struggle since she was also a single Mom. I was saddened when McMillan passed away from cancer a while back.....but her books live on.

My opinion has changed a lot about this book over the years. I am very shocked that I read this at 12 years old (and was not traumatized by it), and I now completely understand why my mother side eyed me and begrudgingly allowed me to read her copy back then.I think McMillan did a great job for this to be her first novel, though it's obvious that her writing strengthened with Disappearing Acts and Waiting to Exhale. Lot of tough and heavy themes, and spunky dialogue. Kinda perfect for a book club discussion.

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