A little wishful thinking makes for a fun escapist novel. The reversal of Sharon's experiences as a heavy weight woman makes it clear that our current demands that all women achieve a slender body are absurd. Unfortunately, we can't actually choose to live in a different world, with or without an improved body image. We only have the world as it exists today, and I don't see size acceptance getting any closer to reality. Well, this book left me rather disappointed. It did hold a few entertaining moments, but the whole thing was just too much - way too over the top - even for the “chick lit” genre. The author’s message of “size (meaning weight) doesn’t really matter” was pounded into every page. This browbeating really sucked a lot of the entertainment out.As for the main character, well, I wanted to throw her huge/skinny body down a flight of stairs as she continued to make the same mistakes throughout the course of the novel. This redundancy really slowed down the overall pace of the book. Between the same things happening over and over (and over and over) again and the ceaseless moral message, the book lost any of that “fun to read” quality that I had hoped it would have. Truly, I felt lucky once I finished it that I had gotten it for such a reduced price - though now I know why...
Do You like book Making It Big (2000)?
Had to quit this one - couldn't get interested in the storyline.
A brilliant premise marred by romance novel prose.