About book Making Ideas Happen: Overcoming The Obstacles Between Vision And Reality (2010)
I enjoyed this book. The author provides many interesting ideas for getting ideas up and off the drawing board and making them into reality. With the inspiration of this book, I was able to do several new things that had be kicking around for awhile and I was just not making them happen. Grab this book and get yourself off and running. If you have some good ideas, and who doesn't? Then do yourself a favor and take them out for a test drive. All you can do is succeed or fail and either way, you gave it a shot or a try. Some good ideas here, some sections were a little hard to apply as they were more big business management strategies compared to my independent project. I found especially helpful the tips on the importance of organizing and prioritizing tasks and making it be fun and daily, creating a routine moment for "flow", understanding the difference modes of work between searching for ideas and refining/finalizing a project, the social and professional support network, and how important it is to share your work and ask for input from everyone.
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Learned a lot about my work habits and how the lack of a routing hinders execution.
I'll take as much inspiration to keep creating and moving forward as I can get!