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Mainline (1997)

Mainline (1997)

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3.67 of 5 Votes: 1
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0812549082 (ISBN13: 9780812549089)
tor science fiction

About book Mainline (1997)

What attracted me to 'Mainline' was the protagonist Reva's special talent, which is the superpower I've always wanted most. It is the ability to see divergent timelines and choose the one she finds preferable. Surely the ultimate control freak superpower! In 'Mainline', Reva uses this ability to build a successful career as an interplanetary assassin. Personally, I think she could have had a safer life in strategy consulting, but that may not have been an option in this particular cyberpunk future.'Mainline' is largely a straightforward sci-fi thriller, slightly dated in the ironic manner of 90s cyberpunk. It definitely succeeds in engaging the reader and the world-building is fun, albeit not especially deep or complex. The plot is fast-moving and the action sequences enjoyable. Notable features of the novel, though, include a female, casually bisexual protagonist with no romance sub-plot. In fact, female characters are relatively abundant, which is great. Moreover, they get no less character development than the male characters - although neither get very much amid the tumultuous action.The details I liked best were Reva's cautions about skipping timelines - changes in traffic laws, fashionable colours, and available foods. The whole timeline-skipping concept was used nicely, although there were many more questions about it that I'd have liked to ask. All in all, a diverting sci-fi thriller with an unusual heroine. It isn't radically original or exquisitely written, but is well worth reading on a long train journey.

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