Because this book has high literary aspirations and a Coach House pedigree, my initial thought was that I "just didn't get it" but it is, in fact, a profound and meaningful story. On further reflection, I remember that I'm reasonably intelligent and decide that this book is really sophomoric crap disguised as profound sexual exploration. And really unsatisfying sex -- dirty (as in unhygenic), abusive, exploitative, unsatisfying sex. With poorly formed stereotypes as characters. So overall, I didn't enjoy it that much. Don't read this book. It's terrible. It's smut that's trying to be literature, and failing. The main character is horrible, unsympathetic. I suppose I feel bad for her, she's obviously caught up in some shit, but her overall brattiness and arrogance negates any sympathy I might have for her. There were some moments in the book that I did think made some interesting points about human sexuality, but the overall vibe is mostly pretentious and nauseating. I read this book because it was recommended to me, and I absolutely regret it.
Do You like book Maidenhead (2012)?
Totally not my cup of tea. Though, I did have to see how it ended.