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Made For Goodness LP: And Why This Makes All The Difference (2010)

Made for Goodness LP: And Why This Makes All the Difference (2010)

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0061946257 (ISBN13: 9780061946257)

About book Made For Goodness LP: And Why This Makes All The Difference (2010)

He's my hero so anything he writes, is great for me. This was written with his daughter. He tells us when we react to cruelty or sad events, it shows we are made for goodness, otherwise we wouldn't care. And that all of us need "time out" to listen to God and that "zoning out in front of the t.v." is not rest. I just love this man! I wish I could be more like him! But he assures us, no matter what, God loves us! "God holds out an invitation to us - an invitation to turn away from the anxious striving that has turned stress into a status symbol." In the prolouge to this book, the authors very clearly mention that one way to "be" what we are made for is to just simply BE. That to cure this sickness of TRYING to be good, we need to give up stress as a status symbol in our society and simply BE. This is reiterated through different themes; and I was happy to hear it. I think this is a reminder I needed. Goodness IS our nature. This book is full of interesting examples from Desmond Tutu and his daughters life, referring to the Bible and providing (long, but) meaningful prayer guidance throughout. Happy I finished this on a Sunday, felt appropriate.

Do You like book Made For Goodness LP: And Why This Makes All The Difference (2010)?

I was really excited about this book and made a pretty valiant attempt, but I COULD NOT get into it.

Enjoyed the message, but felt the writing was redundant in many places

Brilliant book. Beautifully written with such love and honesty.

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