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Lunatic (2009)

Lunatic (2009)

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3.87 of 5 Votes: 1
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1595543732 (ISBN13: 9781595543738)
Thomas Nelson

About book Lunatic (2009)

Darsal, Johnis and Silvie make their way back from Earth to Other Earth with all seven books of History. Darsal separates herself from the other two, who find their way under the influence of a third entity. Johnis initially believes she is Elyon but realizes he wants out - and only Silvie can help him. Darsal is captured, drowns herself, and is called by the actual Elyon to love the Scabs.Overall though, I feel that The Lost Books is not as good as the Circle series and nothing of the plot sticks with me. These books just get better and better as they go on. I thought Lunatic was a little slow at the beginning but once I got a few chapters in, it picked up the pace. I didn't really enjoy the parts from Johnis and Silvie's points of views as much as I normally do. I couldn't quite get into their characters for some reason. I did really like Darsal in this book though. I can see how much her character has developed from the other books in the series. Lunatic does have a pretty bad cliffhanger ending though. I'm going to go start the next book (Elyon) right now!

Do You like book Lunatic (2009)?

First good book in the series. Definitely a kid's version of the Circle.

Entirely frustrating in a good way. Still turning pages of the sequel.

Any thing by this author is extraordinary

Epic. Exciting. Riveting. Crazy awesome!


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