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Love You Forever (1995)

Love You Forever (1995)

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0920668372 (ISBN13: 9780920668375)
firefly books

About book Love You Forever (1995)

I really liked this book when I was a teenager reading it to a room full of 2-year-olds (I worked at a daycare when I was in HS). The kids really liked it, and when you discover something that causes a room full of toddlers to sit still for more then a minute you embrace it. Admittedly, as a teen, there were times when I would get a little choked up reading Love You Forever--teenage me was a bit of a sap. Now this book just weirds me out. Remember: I'm a mother of three. On the surface this is a cute, sentimental, sob-inducing children's book. But when you look deeper--I know it's a kids book, but still, work with me here--you find a semi-creepy relationship between mother and son. Don't get me wrong, I completely relate to what the young mother is going through--kids kinda suck when they're little, which is why God made them cute. There are nights when my husband and I gaze at our sleeping angels and smile. With relief--because the adorable little monsters, whom we love very much, are finally asleep. Sleeping kids are great. They look so innocent and sweet, not likely to play in toilets, draw on walls, ask 'why?' every time you tell them something, throw a fit every night at the dinner table. And so on. I can see why a mother would take a sleeping little angel in her arms and tell him that she "loves (him) forever, she loves (him) for always. As long as (she's) living, (her) baby (he'll) be." There are times when I'm tempted to do the same, really. There is a chance I have done that, just so you know. But at some point boundaries need to be put in place. Plus, this poor mother has literally NOTHING ELSE going on in her life. Look at the pictures on her walls after the boy grows up and moves away. They are all of the boy. No friends, no family. No relationships with anyone else. Just the boy--That's it. Kinda sad, don't you think? Plus, when you get married, you let go of your parents. And in return, your parents cut the apron strings. Sure they totally still love you but, like I said earlier: boundaries! So, while the idea of the aging mom driving across town and sneaking into her married son's house in order to cuddle with him, is sort of a cute one, it's also really creepy--Again, I totally know this is a kids book, but still. My point is: this woman needs a friggin' hobby, stat. Her life shouldn't revolve so entirely around her child. That's just unhealthy for both the mother and the child. Plus, I'd love to know what her son's wife has say about the whole situation. Maybe the mother could start playing canasta with the neighborhood Olds, or join a book club. Also, it wouldn't hurt if she formed other relationships, maybe get a boyfriend or something. Just sayin'.

Although written for children, at their stage in life I LOVE YOU FOREVER, by Robert Munsch, may not hold as much sentimental value as it does for adults. This story’s message means more with age, because it makes us aware of the passing of time. One day the child is gone, and parents realize how true the saying was, ‘they grow up so fast.’ After visiting his feeble mother, the son now grown with a baby daughter of his own, pauses at the top of the stairs. Here adults relate to what he is thinking although it is not written in the book’s text. I interpret the moment as realization that his daughter would one day leave home and he, as the father, now understands his mother’s side of their own relationship.After reading Munsch’s book, I felt very emotional. This reminded me of my grandmother and father. Though they live miles apart, my father is in constant touch with his mom. She is very frail now, 90 years old. But even as a child I saw his deep love for her, as we drove all night to visit my grandparents on weekends. He was always ready to help her with household repairs, and chores. When not able to make the trip to see his mom, he communicated regularly by telephone. He taught me the importance of caring for your parents, and he shared many childhood stories that exemplified my grandmother’s sacrifices to give him the best she could. She loved him in spite of his faults, as I’m sure he loves me in spite of mine. ‘Forever’ is what makes the story so heartwarming. Whether the book is read by young children, older children, young adults, or older adults, this book will convey the importance of loving and caring for your family while you can, as long as you’re living. One day they may not be here. But while they are here, we should celebrate the love shared, and believe it will get us through when times are hard.

Do You like book Love You Forever (1995)?

This was such a sweet book! " I'll love you forever,I'll like you for always,As long as I'm livingmy baby you'll be"A mother repeats this phrase to her son at night, continuing this as he grows up. Parents of even older children can relate. No matter how old they get, they are still yours and you love them. This books shows that through good times and bad and has such a sweet, tender ending that should touch everyone's heart.There is one part that is a bit disturbing with the mom even sneaking into the "boy's" home when he is an adult to continue so sooth him in his sleep. While the literal sense of this is....unusual to say the least, the concept the book holds is very true. For me to this day, my mother still calls me her "Munchkin" and has admitted that even having kids of my own I will still be her little girl. No matter what I do or go through she loves me. And that is the message I love about this book.When I first saw this I half wondered what it was about and hoped it was not about toilet training. Lucky for me I it wasn't. This book is a treasure and a perfect book to read before bed. and the quote about is utterly endearing. Try it with your own child!

This is supposed to be a touching children’s story, a tale of family love that comes full circle in a bitter-sweet irony, but, frankly, I found it to be…creepy. I get what it was going for, but the sentimental effect is kind of lost when we go from loving mom of infant and toddler to weirdly obsessed stalker mom of teenager and adult. There's a great country song that communicates the idea this was going for (and failed to convey). I can't remember what it's called, but it's about a son who is guided by his father and then must guide his father in old age. One note - a child may possibly find the whole rocking the older kid / teenager / adult thing funny rather than creepy, because of the incongruity. If it seemed aimed at funny, I might have thought it so; but it seemed aimed at touching, and so just came off disturbing.
—Skylar Burris

Love you forever, Stalk you for always . . . . ***Ok, in response to the haterz: let me state that I do not mind one bit that many people have been touched and uplifted and LOVE this book. It just doesn't work for me. At all. And I'm allowed to have a different opinion that you. Kthxbai.***. . . let me say first that I understand this is an allegory about unconditional love between parent/child . . . but does this book come off a little creepy to anyone else? 1) It starts out ok . . . but about the time the kid gets to be a teenager I just start to feel uncomfortable. Would I be ok with my mom slipping into my teenage brothers' rooms while they're sleeping to cuddle and sing a love song? No, probably not. 2) I think it's weird there's only female figures mentioned (mom and grandma). Where's the dad? (later when the mom is sick the only pictures on her wall are of the kid, no husband or parents -- again, kinda weird) And later on in the book when the kid is grown up where is the mom to his baby - single dads are awesome but the absence of characters is chilling here.3) This mom I seriously think has issues with letting her children go. Once a man gets married the woman in their life isn't you--it's the wifey! And when children grow up and become adults and you should have an adult-to-adult relationship with them. Quit trying to cuddle them!4) When it gets to the part of the old woman tying a ladder to her roof and driving across town with the lights off, then sneaking in the son's window to cuddle and sing the love song --- I just want to scream, " AAAGH, she's coming!! Lock the windows!! RUN!!!" creee-py!5) Okay, just think about if this dad goes on to have the same behavior with his own daughter. The dad sneaking in on the teenage daughter to hold her, or later on when she's married he's climbing through her window to her bed???? 6) I really don't think it's good writing. With children's books I like them to have rhyme and rhythm and be easy to read. I felt like I was stumbling over words. 7) Despite all this Ellie still likes the book, and I see the point it's trying to make, although I don't agree with the method. And I know I'm being too literal, but seriously if you look at this book literally it will give you nightmares!!! Just for fun read it to someone purposefully trying to be creepy - just as an experiment. Trust me, you'll agree with me after that.Darik doesn't necessarily like it when I call the book:Love you forever,Stalk you for always . . .But I do anyways :-)

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