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Love, Loss, And What I Wore (1995)

Love, Loss, and What I Wore (1995)

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1565121112 (ISBN13: 9781565121119)
algonquin books

About book Love, Loss, And What I Wore (1995)

Can you really call this a book? I read it cover to cover during the commercial breaks of an hour-long tv show. Whatever you want to call it, I found Ilene Beckerman's quick stroll down memory lane to be refreshing. All major events in Beckerman's life - from dates to divorces - are tied to an outfit. While I was reading it, I realized I could match every significant memory in my life to what I was wearing at the time. I remember a special trip to Atlanta to pick out three outfits for my bat mitzvah because Savannah didn't have boutiques at the time. I remember hating "shiny shoes" at 4 years old so I wore tennis shoes with a fancy velvet dress to the ballet in Atlanta. I could also tell you what I wore to my first fraternity party, first day of work, and first date with my ex-boyfriend. All that, and I'm not really into fashion. There's just something about an outfit that stays with you, defines you even. Perhaps that's why the off-Broadway show based on this book is so successful.

I thought this would be something a la "Sisterhood of the Travelling Pants" or a "Shoe Addicts" book when I downloaded it. Imagine my surprise when I opened the file, and it was a more like a 24 page scrapbook. The drawings look like something done by the average 10-12 year old, and they exude a charming primativeness about them. (I wished my e-reader shows colour, because I'm sure they're better that way). With each drawing is a little explanation of the outfit, the occasion, and the friends. It starts with early school outfits circa the 40s, ends with a new baby clothes for a grand-daughter. Along the way we learn of friends, husbands, and children. Its brevity made it powerful. Like the best micro-fiction it felt like a poem. Much was left unsaid, but the story was told between the lines. I quite enjoyed it.

Do You like book Love, Loss, And What I Wore (1995)?

I got this recommendation from a sewing friend. I'm looking forward to reading it. While most men don't have a clue, many women DO understand how much we remember what we wore and when. How those clothes made us feel and how they enhanced or detracted from the experience. Eh, it's a girl thing.I read this last Friday while sitting on my patio in the sun with a glass of wine. It was the perfect little book for this. Cute illustrations accompanied by a little story about what happened while wearing this outfit that told a story of a life. It's a really fast "read", I finished in about an hour, went back and reread some parts. Very enjoyable.

I read this book while having my hair done, it was a great bridge between the book I had just finished reading (Cutting for Stone) and still wanted to think about, and the next one on my list. This is very short and very enjoyable. The author lets you have a peek at her life by recalling her outfits and where she wore them to. If she wrote a more detailed account of her life I would probably pick it up. It reminded me a lot of my mother's accounts of her life; she lived in a time like the author where most of your clothes were made for you and therefore they are more memorable than clothes off the rack.

The whole book had her story on the right and the items of clothing she wore for each big event in her life. It was really good to see a different setup in a book and it was really cute because sometimes she didn't remember the stuff that happened to her, but she remembered the dress. Another thing that I really liked about it is that her best friend didn't break her heart in the book ever. I disliked the fact that the guys kept leaving her and she was alone in the end. I also disliked the fact that the book was so short and didn't really go into depth with her experiences. Overall, I thought reading her experiances was great, and I learned a couple things about fashion, which is always great.
—Jessica Ramspeck

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