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Love, Kinsey (2000)

Love, Kinsey (2000)

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About book Love, Kinsey (2000)

After losing my grandmother to breast cancer just 4 months ago I almost stopped reading after the prologue. I wasn't sure if I could handle reading a book about cancer. But I am VERY glad I decided to proceed.I'm not sure I have ever read a book that was able to capture such a devastating yet UPLIFTING story. It really made me take a look at myself and reevaluate my life.Great read! Highly recommended! Has anyone gotten through this book without crying? My guess is no. No way. I really contemplated before beginning it as I really don't like to be sad enough to cry and I just knew this was going to be a real tearjerker. It was, and yes, I did cry...and cry. Yet I am still glad I read it. The message is less about death than about living and appreciating it while you are doing it. A great message for all of us. It's easy to take life for granted, easy to get overtaken with stupid pittances, hold grudges, see the bad before the good. We all need to stop that. This book shows how our daily gossip and gripes seem ridiculous, even pitiful. I recommend this to ALL - men, women, young, old, black, white, hindu or's about life and no matter where in the world we are - we are all in it together. Life matters, every single one -and we must never forget that.

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