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Love Italian Style: The Secrets Of My Hot And Happy Marriage (2013)

Love Italian Style: The Secrets of My Hot and Happy Marriage (2013)

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1250041481 (ISBN13: 9781250041487)
St. Martin's Press

About book Love Italian Style: The Secrets Of My Hot And Happy Marriage (2013)

When I first started reading this book, I have to admit that some of the things written made my jaw drop. I could hear myself saying “I’m not that type of woman” and “My husband is not a king”. However, as I continued to read, I realized that Melissa is right on point with her words. Marriage is hard work, period. What Melissa and Joe have is amazing and the “blueprint” she provides in this book is equally amazing. It’s okay to be a strong, independent woman as long as you never let your man forget that he’s just as important as you. A stunning read! I thoroughly enjoyed it and I am so sad that people are giving it such bad reviews. She stayed multiple places that this is her marriage that works, this is how she does it. I read her opinion and I can agree on 90% if it; it is very similar to how I treat my hubby. But I do disagree on a few things. Her husband hired someone to change a lightbulb? But that's ok they have money I don't. Her man don't help with one single thing in the house? Forget it. I would call that lazy, but again that is her marriage she can choose her battles. I loved this book I might even read it again! I like her from the show and I like her from this book. I agree to treat your man like a king so he will treat you like a queen. My man doesn't like me to do housework when he is around either he wants to spend time with me. For a man who is home more often that might be not necessary but if you don't have that much time together, do what is necessary and leave the rest for later! Again I agreed with 90% maybe more from this book and I loved it! Maybe the people who didn't enjoy it don't have. As happy as satisfied and as passionate as a marriage. What works for you works for you but I want a passionate marriage forever. I don't want to get old boring and sick of my husband! If you don't like it and your marriage is fine then don't read a marriage book ;) Thank you Melissa!

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The book was mildly entertaining. I didn't have high expectations going in.

Pure smutt and I loved every minute of it!

I loved it! Light, and fun read!

It was a fun quick read.


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