About book Lost Boy, Lost Girl: Escaping Civil War In Sudan (2010)
The book Lost Boy, Lost Girl Escaping Civil War in Sudan is a true story about two children in Sudan that were separated from their family's because of war. John and Martha face many hardships throughout their journey toward peace and refuge. This book is about the same event but it is told from two different perspectives. John and Martha are totally different and they see what is happening totally different mainly because they are a boy and girl. They are always on the move, so they can never let their guard down when their is danger right around the corner. I think this book is kind of sad, but at the same time it gives you a brooder prospective of all the terrible things that happen in our world. I recommend this book to anyone who loves fiction. I rate this book 5 stars and I hope you will to. I think the book Lost Boy, Lost Girl by John Bul Dau is a very powerful, energetic book that lead me to the end. It's about two kid refuges of a Sudan war and their escape to freedom. The chapters switch off of both of the characters individually so you know each one's story and personality. They showed me the challenge of survival and I was truly inspired. The book is very delicate in how it is written because the grammar is very simple but at the same time the topic is complex. The book made it seem as if you were actually there witnessing the war. I never knew how horrific the war was in Sudan, and the book educated me to learn more. Imagine living in a place where you're in constant fear for your life. Overall, I liked this story and I would recommend it to anyone who likes dramatic, energetic war stories.
Do You like book Lost Boy, Lost Girl: Escaping Civil War In Sudan (2010)?
Good book to add to my "Overcoming Societal Challenges" book list for sure! Amazing stories!
this book is a sad book because it talks people getting killed in this book