About book Lose It!: The Personalized Weight Loss Revolution (2010)
This is the book from the creators of the Lose It! app and website, which allow you to track your calories eaten and burned daily. Both the app and website are well-designed and easy to use, much like this book.Lose It! subscribes to the calories in/calories out version of weight loss. No food is off-limits as long as you don't go over your allotted calories for the day. I like this, because I cannot give up bread or cheese.Plus, I've been doing it for a few weeks now, and have, indeed, lost the weight they said I would if I tracked everything I ate and stayed in my calorie budget.I plan to keep it up and see how it goes. The book explains why their plan should work. This book helped me gain better perspective of the need to eat less calories than I burn in a given day to kick start weight loss. With the help of this book and it's accompanying app on the iPhone, I was able to lose 40 pounds. The book is a good education tool and motivation to anyone striving to lose weight the right way (no fad diets or starvation). I used this book and the app in combination with the podcast Fat2Fit Radio and it helped tremendously. I still have a long way to go and need to get more serious about my efforts to continue losing weight, but this book definitely helped me.I recommend the app to anyone. I don't know if I'd recommend the book to everyone simply because it gets repetitive and is mostly common sense drawn out over 100+ pages, BUT it's something I needed to hear at the time and I'm glad I took the time to read it.
Do You like book Lose It!: The Personalized Weight Loss Revolution (2010)?
It was more inspirational then informational to me as I have the app on my itouch.
Excellent. Appreciate calorie guide. Liked info on social network
goes great with the app and is working already