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Lord Of Devil Isle (2010)

Lord of Devil Isle (2010)

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0843964030 (ISBN13: 9780843964035)
Leisure Books

About book Lord Of Devil Isle (2010)

Stars: 4.5Overall: This was a wonderful and thrilling adventure. I really loved Eve's character right from the beginning because she was strong and didn't seem like the whiny. Nick's character, i just didn't care from until start until end. He was just rude , crude and uncaring. It wasn't until the end of the book for me to really get and like his character. The only part that really bothered me was the ending. Wtf ; I felt like things were just cut off. I really wanted to see Rathburn get a better beating at the end, I kind of felt that he got off too easy. Than Miss Munroe just got married and we never heard anything about her again. So for myself, i just wish there was so more details to the story to really make it complete. Characters: Nick & EvePage Turner: Yes!!Series Cont: I wish!!Recommend: YES!! I really enjoyed the different setting of this book, Bermuda right before the Revolutionary War. The characters were much freer physically than their English counterparts, yet still carry that strict mindset that they constantly battle with. Nick was a sexy beast, a captain of trade, both legal & a little less so, a genuine hero & a well respected rogue with a good heart & a great body. He fought hard to keep his heart from falling for Eve, but as we romance readers know, it's typically a losing battle. Both Eve and Nick were well developed and I found myself really rooting for them. I thought some of Nick's actions were a bit immature (ignoring Eve when he doesn't get his way), but I was proud of Eve for recognizing her feelings for what they were and not settling for less than what she deserved. The sex scenes were super hot, take care to bring a nice cool drink when you start this one! The drama/action was a bit late in coming & I would've liked more of that in the plot, which pretty much just followed the relationship between the couple as well as those of the other women Nick rescues & takes in. Not a groundbreaking novel, but it did feature a great & unique setting & characters who were enjoyable. Perfect summer beach read.

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I thought this book was interesting. It was free so I'm glad for that.

I am so reading this for the new cover!!!

Quick, enjoyable read.

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