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Lord Beast (2000)

Lord Beast (2000)

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3.19 of 5 Votes: 6
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About book Lord Beast (2000)

Really enjoyed this book! I love to see authors start out small and continue to grow, and this book Is just one example of that. The fact that the story didn't directly relate to beauty and the beast was a relief. In fact when I first started reading it, i didn't even know that that was what it was based on. The story of beauty and the beast was simply used as inspiration, as it rightfully should have been. **SPOILERS are about to occur**Two things stuck out to me from the story in a some what iffy way. 1) I felt as though the reader spent the entire book waiting for the incident between Rys and lady Pennyword (Pennyhood?) what ever her name is, to come to the light but instead there is only a brief mention at the end about some resolution taking place. One that in my opinion was not even deserving for all the trouble that stupid woman caused. 2) Although I was finally happy when Rys came to his senses and stopped acting like a dick it was almost.. weird. I mean he went from rage and disbelief at her to .. guilt? The explanation sufficed but I almost wish that there was something more there. Like there would have been some fighting between them or something else to resolve there fight. Alas though , I am quite content with the way this book turned out. Would recommend for a quite evening , sitting near a fire sipping tea. This book was crazy good. I normally like my books with a little more - scratch that - a lot more heaving and thrusting...but this book managed to keep my interest with very little of that. Obviously it's a take off on the classic tale, but that's where it ends. The book is a story unto itself. Rhys and Dani are a couple made in romantic literature heaven.My only complaint? I can't find anything written by this author!

Do You like book Lord Beast (2000)?

I loved “Lord Beast”, great story! I am going to look for more books by Ashlyn Montgomery.



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