Do You like book L'orchidée Et L'araignée (2012)?
Absolutely outstanding. This is definitely the best book in the series so far. It is intense and action-packed and there is so much discovered about certain character's pasts and there is so much build-up in several relationships. I can without shame admit that I had warm happy tears in my eyes when I finished reading this. The depth of Gin's feelings for Owen definitely grows during this book. Also, Bria learns that Gin is also her big sister Genevieve Snow in this book, so that will mean interesting things in the future. The biggest heart-wrenching moment goes to Fletcher, who has been dead since the first book, but we keep learning more and more about the man that reveals so much more about who he was and why he is awesome. I would totally enjoy a book with Fletcher as the main character. The same could be said about Sophia, because I have a feeling there is a lot more to tell about her. I am completely addicted to this series and have no doubts that I can read books 5-12 by the end of the year. Sadly that would also mean having to wait until the end of July 2015 for the release of book 13...but that might be worth it. I can't stop reading these just yet.
Pořád je to skvělý příběh, úžasné postavy, které se vám dostanou pod kůži a nerozčilujete se nad jejich hloupost, osvěžující charaktery a jejich jednání, překvapivý děj a dobrá zápletka. Pořád je ten svět úžasný a vy chcete zjistit víc. Ale... nevím, Gin se trochu změnila, příliš se na mě zabředává do emocí, děj je pomalejší, autorka často vysvětluje, co víme, z minulých dílů, což je dobře, když to čtete po delším čase, ale když jsem to četla v kuse, začalo mi to lehce lézt na nervy. A děj, pořád se objevuje něco nového, ale je tu pořád ten stejný cíl a já už z toho začínám být lehce unavená. A ten konec? Pro mě jsou konce nejdůležitější a tento mi úplně nesedl. Ale stejně je to kniha, která je pořád docela vysoko nad jinými v tomhle žánru. :)