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Lizzie (1985)

Lizzie (1985)

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0440148162 (ISBN13: 9780440148166)

About book Lizzie (1985)

I don't know if I really appreciated this book. I was told it was the best fictional work written about Lizzie Borden that's out there. What I got was a rather boring account of the trial (which in and of itself was interesting only because I knew most of it was fact). But the author throws in an entirely fictional althernating story that explains why, although not very well, Lizzie would kill her mother and father. I have nothing against lesbianism, and there have been facts that back up Lizzies lesbianism, but there has never been any proof, and I really didn't appreciate that the writer assumes that Lizzie felt she had to kill these people to hide her sexuality. I guess I'm a purist, and I can understand where the author is trying to work an exciting conspiracy into the story that so many speculate about. I just didn't think it was the right story line to go with.

I've always been fascinated by Lizzie Borden, and this controversial novelization of the events in Fall River was pretty good. Hunter (aka Ed McBain) includes word-for-word court documents alternating with chapters describing Lizzie's sexual awakening during her 1890 trip abroad. Hunters supposition of Lizzie's sexual preference has now become part of her story, but when this book was published in the 1980's, it pissed off a lot of Lesbians!

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