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Living The Savvy Life: The Savvy Woman's Guide To Smart Spending And Rich Living (2011)

Living The Savvy Life: The Savvy Woman's Guide to Smart Spending and Rich Living (2011)

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3.66 of 5 Votes: 4
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160037834X (ISBN13: 9781600378348)
Morgan James Publishing

About book Living The Savvy Life: The Savvy Woman's Guide To Smart Spending And Rich Living (2011)

Living the Savvy Life is full of helpful, well-organized information on money management, but more than that, on how to really enjoy the money you do spend to the fullest. The authors give lots off good advice, helpful ideas and fun examples of living a satisfying life while still putting money in the bank and paying all the bills. There is nothing unusual or difficult about anything presented, just plenty of simple, down to earth common sense, laid out in simple everyday language that doesn't take any kind of expertise in finance to understand. A wise and useful guide to financial security and the deep satisfaction that can bring. A good book. I already knew a lot of the info, but I was coming to it as a generally frugal/thrifty person looking for ways to help curb my spendaholic partner, not as a spendaholic myself (except occasionally when the meds don't work.) If you're a spendaholic I can see it being helpful.There's still some new stuff that I think I'm going to try, especially the 'spend book' (list the purchases you want to make over and above your normal shopping, so when you do have the extra you're more focused on what you really want.) I think that might be useful because while I tend towards frugality, when the bipolar kicks in I have been known to impulse buy like mad (pun intended), so maybe if I do it this way I'll at least impulse buy stuff that I wanted when I wasn't manic. It's worth a try, right?Also there are some avenues in the cleaning section I might have a go at.

Do You like book Living The Savvy Life: The Savvy Woman's Guide To Smart Spending And Rich Living (2011)?

A nice collection of ideas for financial organization. Geared towards women. A few new ideas.

Amazing Book!! A great tool for getting control of your finances.

Good ideas on budgeting and saving for big ticket items.

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