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Living Low Carb: Controlled-Carbohydrate Eating For Long-Term Weight Loss (2010)

Living Low Carb: Controlled-Carbohydrate Eating for Long-Term Weight Loss (2010)

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1402768257 (ISBN13: 9781402768255)

About book Living Low Carb: Controlled-Carbohydrate Eating For Long-Term Weight Loss (2010)

No wonder our country is gaining in girth. The low-fat diet is making us fat. The food pyramid is all wrong.This book convincingly explains why so many Americans are overweight and unhealthy. Insulin makes us fat; eating sugar and starches produces insulin. This is the cause of heart problems and possibly other health conditions, including cancer. Eating low-carb foods and choosing high quality foods will produce weight loss and improved health. The right kinds of fat can help us lose weight. Even saturated fats are not all bad in moderation, if eaten when the body is not producing huge quantities of insulin. Accepting the theories of this book requires a major change in outlook. Our views about healthy eating are deeply ingrained--for some of us, over decades. The mainstream media (and our friends) are constantly reinforcing these wrong views. The author helps change that outlook by first explaining the history of dieting, and how the low-fat diet came to be. The author then explains in easy-to- understand English what eating the low-fat, high-carb diet does to our bodies, as well the good results from eating low carb. This explanation is convincing because it clearly explains the chemistry behind both ways of eating. Furthermore, it relies on numerous studies, including studies by respected doctors and universities. The explanation has endnotes with supporting information.The book explains how the low-fat diet makes us fat. Eating sugar and starches produces insulin. (Starches, even whole grains, quickly convert to sugars.) In the process of dealing with the insulin, the body produces triglycerides (and other things). To deal with those chemicals, the body stores some fat in the liver (hence the increase in fatty liver disease in Americans), and puts the rest into fat cells. The fluctuating blood sugar levels that result cause us to crave more carbohydrates and to overeat, which further makes us fat.In contrast, a low-carb diet promotes fat loss. First, it enables fat to be burned, because fewer carbohydrates are available to be burned (and the body burns carbs first). Second, the low-carb diet creates little insulin, which greatly reduces triglycerides and other chemicals in the blood that lead to fat deposits in the heart and elsewhere. Third, the low-carb diet does not make us hungry. Our blood chemistry does not create food cravings. And, eating fat helps us feel full and satisfied. Much of the book is really about good health, more than weight loss. An important theme throughout is the need for good fats--primarily Omega-3s. Many of the oils in our current diet are Omega-6, which are not inherently bad, but our diets are out of balance, with too many Omega-6s and not enough Omega-3s. Most importantly, trans fats should be eliminated. Another important tip for good health is the importance of fiber in the diet.A less useful part of the book (which the reader could skip) contains summaries of nearly 40 different low-carb diets. The author describes the diet and who might succeed with it and then gives ratings. Even this section provided some good insights about eating low carb.The author dispels two common myths: First, this is low-carb eating, not no-carb eating. Carbs in vegetables are encouraged, and even some fruit can be eaten. Second, this is not all-you-can-eat dieting. Calories do have an effect, but do not necessarily have to be carefully counted.The book also has an approach to eating that could work as well as the many diets summarized. This mainly lists the types of foods to eat and those to avoid, and urges consumption of water and fiber. In addition, the book has a very good chapter about supplements, both that help with weight loss, but more importantly that help with good health.Local doctors are embracing this: while I was reading this book, a friend told me that her husband's cardiologist recommended a low carb diet. The husband followed it and lost 30 pounds by cutting out all sugar, flour, and so on. Another doctor told someone I know to lose weight, and to do that by eating low carb.This is a fascinating book.

Although it was overwhelming.(he explains so much and describes and reviews twelve low carb diets), I learned so much. the key to me maintaining a lower weight has got to be from low carbs. But how low is the question. I don/t know if I can give up fruits!! I don't think weight watchers is structured enough for me, although I'm hanging in there with it.Of particular interest was the Dukan Diet. I went on his website to look into the oat-bran pancake.Bowden is a real advocate not only for low carb but for people who cannot eat as many calories as others. he recognizes that calories in and calories is not ther only significant factor for most of us.The diets that I don't want to forgetDukan dietAttack phase is pure protein cruise phase add veggies consolidation gradually adding.Everyday you eat an oat bran galette. Third phase has a celebration meal any food you want but no seconds. One starter 1 main one dessert one glass of wine. Eventually two celebrations but never back to backThe carbo addict diet two low carb meals, reward meal once a day third protein veg and starch or dessert . Has to be consumed in one hour. Can't have secondsUnleash your thin is his diet and has lots of workbooks.Phase 1 mindfulnessPhase 2protien veg one piece of fruitOne optional portion of avocado or nuts and you can make veg in oilPhase threeA week of introducing milk and second of introducing grain

Do You like book Living Low Carb: Controlled-Carbohydrate Eating For Long-Term Weight Loss (2010)?

Lots of good information. A lot I had heard before--insulin causes fat storage, lowering insulin levels leads to fat loss, etc. I learned a lot too--mostly about the effects of different fats on the body and about inflammation. That chapter was a lightbulb moment for me. I suddenly understood all the hype about salmon and omega-3s. I was disappointed that he never addressed an issue particular to me (and I'm sure others): food allergies that are NOT typically addressed by low carb diets. In my case, fish. Also known as a staple of every low carb diet ever. And the only source of omega-3 fats ever discussed or pushed. So yeah.My biggest pet peeve came in the chapter when Bowden reviewed many of the low carb diet plans on the market right now. For the most part, the reviews were great. However, he also reviewed his own plan, and of course gave it 5 stars (though not the only plan he gave 5 stars to, which was nice). His review of his own plan felt a lot like an ad, and a lot less like a review. I would have rather had him skip it. But overall, I really liked this book. I also have several new books on my to read list now.

How did he get all that information in a few hundred (well, four) pages? In addition to a rundown of the advantages of lower carbs over low fat, there's an overview of 38 plans and 5 fitness books, FAQ's, a chapter on supplements and diet drugs, low carb mythbusters, and 50 + tips for making low carb work for you. But wait! there's more - you also get a sizable list of resources and support including web links and end notes citing all the books and studies referenced in this very readable book. One go through wasn't enough, I'm sure I'll be going back to it often.

This is a great book to learn about popular low carb diets from an informative perspective to help make the best decision for someone who might need to reduce carbs in their diet. My conclusion was to explore either Atkins or South Beach Diet after reading it. However, there were several other diets detailed and for sure there has to be one that works for you- author breaks it by lifestyle, economics, etc. Finally, hopefully like me you'll feel that you were able to make in an informed decision rather than sold on a product because of marketing!

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