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Little Rock Girl 1957: How A Photograph Changed The Fight For Integration (2011)

Little Rock Girl 1957: How a Photograph Changed the Fight for Integration (2011)

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0756545129 (ISBN13: 9780756545123)
Compass Point Books

About book Little Rock Girl 1957: How A Photograph Changed The Fight For Integration (2011)

This non-fiction picture book is part of a series which chronicles how famous photographs have contributed to our understanding of history. Includes a timeline, glossary and additional resources. Photos, captions, highlighted quotes, and text boxes add to the detailed account. Two photos in the middle of the book show the crowding and limited supplies and staff in African American classrooms of 1917 and 1941. Many photographs of 1957 Little Rock, Ark. and Elizabeth Eckford (one of the Little Rock Nine) then, and now. Little rock girl 1957By: Shelly TougasThis true story is about nine African American high school students, and their fight to end segregation. This story takes place in little rock, Arkansas in 1957. This is a third person story told from the view point of Elizabeth Eckford, who is one of the nine African American students.I think one of the weaknesses of this book is, that they only focus on one of the nine students. I think one of the strengths are, that they showed how much courage that Elizabeth eckford had to take all the insults and names she was called.I really liked this book because I learned how hard it is to go through such racism. Even the teachers were mean to the nine students. If I was in high school with Elizabeth I would stand up for her and tell them to stop.So over all I really liked this book.

Do You like book Little Rock Girl 1957: How A Photograph Changed The Fight For Integration (2011)?

Great historical book. Follows the Little Rock Nine history via facts and photographs.

Thoughtful pictures to give the readers a brief look at a very tense time.

A very moving story about a shameful part of our history.

Easy to read, nicely illustrated, good resource

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