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Lions And Tigers And Snares (2007)

Lions and Tigers and Snares (2007)

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3.04 of 5 Votes: 4
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0011056959 (ISBN13: 2940011056956)
Smashwords, Inc.

About book Lions And Tigers And Snares (2007)

Me encanta esta portada del libro.La historia.. creo que tenia potencial para algo mas extenso que 25 paginas... asi que no me gusto tanto.. porque la relacion yaoi (Hombre-hombre) se dio demasiado rapido..La accion que paso mientras se enfrentan a los malos tambien fue demasiada corta y realmente no se le podria considerar accion en lo absoluto..Me gustaron los animales aunque no salen demasiado que digamos.. tambien me gusto la idea de un oficial encubierto tratando de encontrar quien vende a los animales en peligro de extincion para la caza. 3.5 stars. This short story had more of a plot than I expected. An undercover game commission officer is trying to take down a ring of illegal wild cats sold to private hunters on game reserves. It is very short so it is more of a pared down "day in the life of" type of investigation. But for a short, free download, I found it to be interesting. I also liked the characters of Kendall and Byron.

Do You like book Lions And Tigers And Snares (2007)?

Nice story but it felt too rushed. Probably would have worked better if it had been longer.

A cop undercover who smokes marjuana??? Does not make any sense nor did this story.

A short story about a cop who works undercover in a big cat refuge. Loved it :)

This is very short and I was half way into when I realized that this is m/m.jas

Very quick read (only 55 pages) that was actually fairly decent.

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