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Line And Orbit (2013)

Line and Orbit (2013)

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1619212196 (ISBN13: 9781619212190)
Samhain Publishing, Ltd.

About book Line And Orbit (2013)

I loved this book! I didn't want to put it down.It's definitely more a sci-fi with heavy romance sub-plot, which is cool with me. But it's not sci-fi that takes itself so seriously that it's difficult to get through. It strikes a really good balance. (There were a few parts where I was like, wait but how does time and distance work in this situation??, but those were pretty few.)The characters were really great too - especially the support characters. I loved Ying and Ixchel and Kae. Speaking of which, love that there is a trans character.Definitely looking forward to reading more in this universe. 4 stars and not 5 bcs sometimes the chapters with the protectorate didnt really interest me.Where to start,for all the ppl who said this book doesnt have romance and the 2 Mc only seem a couple in the end and without reasons,maybe u didnt read the same book i did.Adamn is the result of years of breeding and dna manipulations,he is perfect,or maybe should have been.The day of his examination,they find in him something wrong,an illness which starts with tremors.He loses all,and desperations makes him steal from the same people he worked all his young life.He's running with the stolen credits and the guards are running to catch him,when Lochalan here to do the same,decides to help him to escape.From the start those two dont stop fighting and their bickering amused me to no end.{...."Whatever you're doing,do it faster."...."Bossy little thing,aren't you?"...}{...."Oh,for the love of-"....."I could push you down this fucking stairs"....."Try it.Seriously,mitr,I'm begging you."....}After that they go to Lochlan people,who decide to make him stay for two days and heal him.Unfortunately his illness cant be healed by them,just slowed.Adamn sleeps in his savior/kidnapper tent,there in the morning he finds a girl almost naked in Lochlan bed,and thinks that is not strange he is a playboy.This scene didnt bother me,bcs they're still nothing for each other and both still dont understand their feelings and didnt even kiss.In the end,he stays more then two days and they give him a room.Later that day Lochlan comes in his room to ask him to come to the Bideshi's dance.Lock says is Kae who wants him to go,but after when Adam is refusing he admits he doesnt know why he tried to get him go and that also himself thought this was a good thing.They love to call each other idiot and asshole and is funny.At the dance,Adam dances with a lot of people and also for the last dance,with Lock.When they finish Kae comes to them and Lochlan trolls him saying he's gloving,and Kae answers that he too is,and the younger Bideshi blushs and leaves the platform.Adam doesnt understands why,but minutes later they see him talking with a girl a bit too charming and grinding.Kae goes to get him and they talk,Adam is watching but cant hear what they're saying,in the end Lock leaves the girl and comes back to him with Kae,all of them decide to go swim in the near lake with Kae's wife and friends.There after their swimmig,and after Loch now saw for sure he's really perfect,Adam and Loch will be alone for some time and talk,about a lot of things,and Loch will try to kiss him,but at this moment Adam still thinks about him like a friend(or so the idiot thinks bcs u dont want to bang your friend).{..."What?".."Why are you looking at me like that?"...."Like what?Like I've see you naked?".."What the-You're ridiculous.I've seen you naked too,you know,but it looks like I've got that in common with most of Ashwina."..."Jealousy."..."You don't wear it well,mitr.".. }pls dont tell me u dint think he was jealous come on PLEASE -_-'They have decided to let him try the test of the Naming,if he passes he'll be one of them if not he has to leave.And guys well,Lock seems worried about him,about the result :PAt the Naming Lock is not here,Adamn searchs with his eyes for him,but can't find him.He gets his naming and now is one of them,but the only thing he's thinking about is where Lock could be.And then he understands,he'll be in the hangar where the ships are,thinking that he wouldnt pass the rite.There he finds Loch that was preparing the ship.Lochlan is nervous and angry and doesnt let him talk.{..."You'll die if you don't see a healer every ten minutes,Adam-"..}You can see his desperation,and I'm actually sad for this asshole till finally Adam can talk and say he passed.Adamn is so tired he sits on the floor of the ships and Lock is going away to let him sleep,when the other asks him to stay.They sleep together next to one another,no sex,nothing just silence and sleep.And is do damn cuteeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee.The next day at start Adam thinks they did something the night before,but then understands.They dont have time to talk bcs the protectorate is attacking and they need help the others.Is hell in the ship,deads and injured.Loch isnt with him now,Adam is rescuing Kae learing to guide a ship he never saw,to take the man back to his people.Adam is so tired that he goes to sleep,only few hours passed before he seens at his door Loch,shoulders hunched and breathing hard.YEAHHHHHHHHHHHHHH he was worried,you all will do a little dance here trust me.Adam tells him that what happened is all his fault and at the same time Loch says to him to shut up.Lochlan has a scratch on his biceps and Adam cant resist to touch it.{.."Don't."....."Don't do that,don't...Chusile..."...}The first time that he uses that word.Then Lock kisses him and Adam returnes it.Their first time is hard,hot,passionate and not gentle,it's driven by desperation and to see that they're still alive after that terrible day.Adamn has never had sex with a man (actualy i dont even know if with a woman but not sure),it hurts at start,but at the same moment for the first time he's really happy and all the rest is forgotten.From here on,you'll not see Loch with other people,(this from their first kiss at the lake).The next day,Adam finds a bite mark on his neck,and Lochlan behind him half dressed.They need to talk,but Loch is evasive and tells him they need go see Kae.Adamn thinks maybe is a bideshi custom to dont care about sex.(is just that Lock is an idiot and later you'll know why)They still continue to bickering,and is so good.Loch likes to call him perfect.When all of them arrive at the Klashorgs' planet,there is a council where they'll talk about Adam,and Loch will defend him,in his own way,also calling him idiot infront af all XD.Their rooms are near and from his balcony,Loch can see an half naked Adam with water drops on his skin,he jumps and goes to him.He lets his hand linger on the water drops,half teasing and Adam pulls away,in that moment Lock can feel the disappointment in his gut.When at the feast later that evening Kae and Lock talk,the older man understands that something happened btw him and Adam,and asks him if he knows what he's doing,Lock jokes telling that he has a long list of satisfied ppl,and Kae tells him,he can see how Lock is with Adam and that he knows him.Lock says that there is nothing to think about and that not all is about love,but at the same time when he sees a familiar blond head and follows him.Adam is so relaxed that when hears Lock's voice he almost kills himself falling down,and only Lock's hands on his waist save him.Lock is laughing and Adam tells him he's an assohole.They talk,and Lock is watching him with a smile on his lips,but when Adam turns he hides the smile.(he's an idiot and who the hell stares at his friend with those big eyes,smiling like an idiot?)Adamn tries to ask him what Chesile means,but Lock doesnt aswer him,lies saying is an insult.They continue talking and after some time Lochlan kisses him.It's not like the first time,which was desperate,this time is gentle,this time he is on his back bcs Adam wants to see him. *---*This time is Adam saying Chusile that single word,he still doent know what he means,but for sure not an insult.After,when they're still naked and relaxed,Adam says he thought Lock hated him,and the other man laughs saying he never did,for sure he's annoying and maybe doomed them all,but never hated him(i was right from start ahahahh).Adam then asks him why he hates his ppl and that at last he deserves a bit honesty after what they had just did.Lock replies sharply that he doesnt have to explain nothing,just because he was his first he doesnt have to give him any answers.At those words Adam drops the hand he had on Lock skin.Lock doesnt move and after starts to talk and tells him how the protectorate killed his parents.Lock asks him if now still doesnt think he is one of them,and Adam hands start trembling and he replies he doesnt know who he's.{.."Adam."....."It's okay,don't-".. }He's worried about him.They go to Ying,and there Kae talks to him.They see the video of the protectorate talking with the Badeshi saying they just want to help Adam and they must give him to them.Adam then decides to go to them and save the others,but before he can leave Lock finds him and asks him why he is leaving and Adam asks him why he thinks he is leaving and Lock replies saying they didnt fix the fact he'is a terrible liar in his dna.Adam begs Lock to let him go,that he doesnt have a choice and Lock is desperate and scared,saying him he has,that he cant go,that they'll kill him and that if he wants to go he'll go with him,then Lochlan kisses him desprate and rough like that time before they had sex for the first time.{...."You idiot,"....."I can do this,"...."My way first." Something in Lochlan's voice betrayed him,and Adam pulled back,watching the damp flicker in the other man's eyes. "Okay"...}The arrogant and stubborn badeshi is almost crying for Adam,thinking about him dead,dont tell me he doesnt love him -_- till now their sexual tension killed me,but this is love.They go to the protectorate's ship Adam gives back the credits and after he finds out,not only him is dying for that same illness and they need to tell this.They come back and tell all to the others.Adams tells Lock that this illness will be the end of the protectorate,but Lock is not happy at this words,he doesnt know anymore what he feels,this illness is killing Adam too.{..."Don't talk this way,"...."Jut don't-".."Chusile"...}They can be considered a couple now,also if u dont read sweet words and no one has said he loves the other,but they sleep and wake together.They arrive at the Plain where he will know if he can be healed,and if they dont want or cant he wants to turn himself over.Lock is angry and says he is an idiot,but Adam says he isnt and that like that they'll leave him in peace.Lock asks him if he actually belives they'll do,and Adam asks him why he would risk all dead,then Lock gets on his feet angry.{...."Fuck you,"..."Fuck you,if it's what you want.Fine."...}Then he walks away.Adam thinks about stopping him,but gives up thinking that Lock wouldnt stay no matter what he did.The next day,Lock still isnt there,and he stays with Kae and his wife,then when he's leaving their tent one man asks him to follow him.He comes in a circle where the elders are reunited to decide if heal him and in the shadow far he can see Lock too.Adam tells that if they heal him they need help also the others.One of them says that he asks too much,that if he decided to die he would be with ppl like family watching till he died and at that words Lochlan says "No!".All the circle turns in the silence and Adam can see Lock the cocky,bastard,that always doesnt wanna show emotions,lose that mask.They ask Lock if one person is more important then many others and if he would die for him.{...."I would,"...."I do say that.For me,I would."...}He answers never moving his eyes from Adam's face.And also the other ppl starts to say they would.Adam almost cries and i swear also all the readers will too.The next day he goes to the circle.Before that he wants to talk to Lock but he says they'll do after he's healed,in the end the only person to win this fight is himself and the only help,is the dream about Lochlan's voice.The final fight with the protectorate is brutal,and in the chaos the only thing Lock think is to find Adam and try to protect him,to stay with him one last time before they die.Lock finds Adam dragging himself and takes him in his arms,tells him to come back to him,to dont leave him,but the young man is shivering and doesnt speak.The fight stops,Adam goes limp in his arms and Loch starts crying,he doesnt care anymore to hide what he feels.Adam calls his name,and Lock thinks that if all that survived his them,then he can be fine.Lock carries Adam,and the youn man says to him,while crying with his head on the bideshi's chest if all was worth it,but Lock puts a finger on his lips.There was nothing to say.In the end you can also see a bit of jealousy from Lock when Kyle,Adamn's friend runs to him and catches his friend in his arms and they start talking,and Lock answers for Adam XDD.Then Kyle gives Loch a curious glance.In the end of the book,Adam tells Lock he will go back,(Adam is now healed)and the other man says he thought he would and calls him again chusile,so Adam asks again what that means.Now Lock answers and says it means "my pulse","my heart",and Adam answers him "my dance".Pratically his life and love,they were saying to each other "i love u" from the start XDThe last scenes in the book are with Adam,Loch and Kae.The couple is preparing the ship for their departure.Adam will go help his old people and Lock will go with him.Kae tells them to take care and come back,and they start the engine and tell they will.I love those two,is real that the book is not just romance,but the romance is one of the keys and the plot is solid.Adam and Lochlan are perfect together,and also after all they passed they still dont stop bickering and is just how it should be.So all of u go read the book and buy it,bcs we need more authors to make good books like this.The sex is not the main plot,and it's just good,bcs when the sex happens is awesome written.

Do You like book Line And Orbit (2013)?

More 3.5 because I didn't like the last part. But this sci-fi story was very enjoyable.

Very interesting, good characters. Maybe a little to mystical for my taste.

Ummm... Is there going to be a sequel????

**Thanks to my Secret Santa**

just perfect !

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