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Linda Goodman's Sun Signs (1984)

Linda Goodman's Sun Signs (1984)

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4.1 of 5 Votes: 1
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0553278827 (ISBN13: 9780553278828)

About book Linda Goodman's Sun Signs (1984)

Sun Signs could be seen as Linda Goodman's greatest masterpiece. A book about Astrology so full of knowledge, yet explained in such a way that anyone could understand it.This was my very first book on Astrology, and it changed my entire life! The sheer simplicity of the writing style accompanied by a profound torrent of knowledge truly grants this book an elite status amongst works on Astrology.When one has read this book, little wonder can one name the fact that Linda Goodman herself acquired the title "The Diva of Astrology".Written in a simple style, Goodman gives you tons of information, and then relates those things to her own life, to illustrate and clarify it. This in turn gives the book a certain "narrative element" that can make it all the more compelling.The only downside to this book is that the story-telling can be taken a bridge too far sometimes, thus making you want to skip several pages (it's a very thick book).Also, though her insight is profound and well backed up by experiences, Linda Goodman sometimes lacks the sophistication you could expect from an Astrologer, thus portraying reality a little simpler than it truly is. However, I believe this to be done on purpose so people who start with Astrology are put into black-white zones rather than grey ones (to make the start easier). If this were the case, than this book is even better than one might expect at first.

Read this book when I was in my teens. Now that i am a firm disbeliever in astrology as its accuracy is at best, very close to sheer randomized outcome(accurate) of an event, I contemplated if i should even post this review of a book which i don't even believe in anymore.Although, the book is fairly well crafted with interesting anecdotes about each sign. Each sunsign is divided into a general description, sun-sign male, sun-sign female, sun-sign boss and sun-sign employee. It does not push anything on the reader per se, about astrology and its views. The 3 stars have been given because it reads like a book with a good collection of enjoyable articles. I would have given four if it was a fiction book altogether, yet the field that it talks about, is scientifically inaccurate, and i guess the word is "hokum". But, an enjoyable read nonetheless.For anyone interested in reading a good paper on the inaccuracy of astrology, i would suggest to go through

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Lloyd Cope, membro do Conselho Director da The Astrological Guild of America, assim escreveu sobre a autora deste livro: "Tenho a satisfação de acrescentar o nome de Linda Goodman à lista dos mais notáveis astrólogos americanos. Todos os que tiveram o prazer de assistir às suas exibições em programas de televisão estão familiarizados com a cativante personalidade de Linda Goodman, com a sua habilidade de difundir um conhecimento altamente especializado, fazendo-o com humor, calor e dignidade. O impacto da sua óbvia integridade nestas apresentações de âmbito nacional fizeram mais para despertar um sadio interesse pela astrologia do que qualquer outro evento de recente memória. As suas animadas descrições são tipicamente compensadoras, de dimensões calidoscópicas e interessam a todos: tanto aos leigos como aos profissionais."

I loved this book. Suddenly this author has gotton me exited about a topic that i never fathomed would be very intresting. I have never taken any classes or took an intrest in astrology to read about it but reading Linda Goodman's writting and words she makes me feel like an expert. You would never guess that you are learning about Sun Signs, in fact your having way to much fun to even realize your learning anything at all, she treats this "guide" like a regular book, making it fun, adding in similies and metaphors, and in a way every chapter she intrudues a new character. I was really intrested to learn about different sun signs because sun signs are what give most of us our characteristics and moods. So now I know more then just my birth date and sign, i know my moon moods, element, and characteristics (or how people see me) I was so exited to learn about asrology and now I want to know even more about it, so this book opened my eyes into a hobby that I would have never guessed i would be the least bit intrested in!
—Gabriela G

Ahh!My favorite pass time...and the best conversation attention grabber!!During my teen-hood…whenever there was some party or get together… with many pretty girls around – I too wanted to draw some attention (esp. of the handsome studs around :P) – and this knowledge helped me a hell lot! All I did was start a conversation like:‘ Are you are Scorpio?’ – Reply: Nope.‘Then you must be a Leo’ – Reply: Wrong again….But nevertheless gradually people were assembling around me… – what fun I had being the center of attention – Thanks to Linda Goodman!
—Aparna Gangopadhyay

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